State Contract Pharmacy Lawsuit Weekly Roundup: Orders and Filings in Arkansas, Louisiana, Kansas, Mississippi Maryland, Missouri

Key motions were filed this week in state contract pharmacy litigation in Arkansas, Maryland, Louisiana, Kansas, Missouri, Minnesota and Mississippi.
Editor’s Note: With 340B-related litigation heating up in several states following the enactment of new contract pharmacy access laws, 340B [...]

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Providers Praise Federal Court’s Defense of Louisiana Contract Pharmacy Law as Drug Industry Weighs Next Steps

A federal court upheld Louisiana’s contact pharmacy law this week, drawing praise from provider groups and criticism from the drug industry in the latest of such challenges across the nation.
A key federal court decision to uphold Louisiana’s contact pharmacy law this week is drawing praise from provider groups and [...]

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State Contract Pharmacy Lawsuit Weekly Roundup: Updates on AbbVie, AstraZeneca Cases in Missouri

Key filings and orders occurred in lawsuits challenging the 340B contract pharmacy access law in Missouri.
Editor’s Note: With 340B-related litigation heating up in several states following the enactment of new contract pharmacy access laws, 340B [...]

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State Contract Pharmacy Lawsuit Weekly Roundup: AbbVie Asks 5th Circuit to Reverse Ruling, New Developments in Missouri and Kansas 

Key filings and orders occurred in lawsuits challenging the 340B contract pharmacy access law in Missouri.
Editor’s Note: With 340B-related litigation heating up in several states following the enactment of new contract pharmacy access laws, 340B [...]

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Sen. Welch Hopes His Contract Pharmacy Bill Will Move Soon, ASAP 340B and PhRMA Push for Broader Bill

The Senate version of the 340B PATIENTS Act faces hurdles to passage despite broad support from provider groups.
The sponsor of new Senate legislation that would codify providers’ ability to use contract pharmacies to dispense 340B discounted drugs [...]

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State Contract Pharmacy Lawsuit Weekly Roundup: 5th Circuit Appeals and Updates in Arkansas, Minnesota, West Virginia

Key filings and orders occurred in lawsuits challenging the 340B contract pharmacy access law in Missouri.
Editor’s Note: With 340B-related litigation heating up in several states following the enactment of new contract pharmacy access laws, 340B [...]

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Welch Likely to Introduce Senate Version of Matsui’s 340B PATIENTS Act As Soon As Next Week

U.S. Sen. Peter Welch (D-VT) introduced a Senate version of the 340B PATIENTS Act.
A Vermont Democrat and longtime 340B advocate is expected to soon introduce a Senate version of the 340B Pharmaceutical Access [...]

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J&J Relents on Arkansas Contract Pharmacy Law; AbbVie Exempts MO, MS Covered Entities

Johnson & Johnson building-mounted sign
Johnson & Johnson has ended its contract pharmacy restrictions for Arkansas covered entities.
Johnson & Johnson (J&J) has ended its contract pharmacy restrictions for covered entities in Arkansas, making the New Jersey-based pharmaceutical [...]

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State Contract Pharmacy Lawsuit Weekly Roundup: AstraZeneca Defends Subpoenas; Updates in Missouri, Mississippi, Maryland

Lawsuits challenging 340B contract pharmacy access laws recently heated up in Missouri, Mississippi and Maryland.
Editor’s Note: With 340B-related litigation heating up in several states following the enactment of new contract pharmacy access laws this [...]

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Massachusetts’ 340B Contract Pharmacy Access Bill Fails to Move in Formal Session, Stakeholders Remain Hopeful

A contract pharmacy access bill could still pass in Massachusetts despite the end of the formal legislative session.
Although Massachusetts lawmakers left Beacon Hill this month without passing a long-stalled 340B contract pharmacy access bill, provider groups say [...]

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