340B Report’s sponsor leader spotlight series provides interesting details and fun facts about our great sponsors. Our sponsor companies provide essential services and play pivotal leadership roles in the 340B community and we encourage you to learn more about them.


Q: Tell us some interesting details about your company’s history.

Sectyr was founded to achieve the goal of helping our customers with Continuous Program Compliance. While we have many customers who use our platform to help with their 340B program, we also have a comprehensive suite of compliance products to help with 330 grants, accreditation, and license management. 

The team

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Q: Tell us some interesting details about your company’s history.

At CPS Solutions, LLC. (CPS), we’ve been partnering with healthcare organizations to transform pharmacy results for over 50 years.

In the 340B space, CPS was one of the first companies to help covered entities launch their 340B programs 30+ years ago. Today, our mission continues as we help hundreds of

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Ravin Consultants

Q: Tell us some interesting details about your company’s history.

Ravin Consultants was founded by Jennifer Lockwood in 2017 to realize her life’s mission of ensuring everyone has access to the best health care possible, regardless of their cultural or socio-economic background. Starting with this dream, one client, and a handful of employees, Jennifer has built a thriving company

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Q: Tell us some interesting details about your company’s history.

Imagine a world where flip phones were the pinnacle of consumer technology – that’s the era when RxStrategies was founded. Since 2002, RxStrategies has established itself as a prominent presence in the 340B landscape. The organization’s longevity spanning over two decades is a testament to its commitment to providing valuable

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