340B Lobbying Activity Did Not Slow Down in Q3, Federal Filings Suggest

340B Working Table
More than 360 firms reported lobbying on the 340B program between July 1 and Sept. 30.
The 340B drug discount program continued to be a hot topic for lobbyists in the third quarter of 2024, keeping [...]

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Former Senior Trump Official Talks Drug Pricing Reform, Says 340B Program Is ‘Out of Control’

Joe Grogan (left), a top official in the former Trump administration raised serious concerns with the 340B program during the keynote address at The Association for Value-Based Cancer Care Annual Summit in New York Thursday.
A key official in the former Trump administration raised serious concerns with the 340B program during the keynote address at [...]

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Former J&J Attorney and Current Kalderos Board Director Says Battle over Rebates Has Not Ended

J&J's proposed rebate model was a key topic of discussion at a Wednesday panel led by moderator, 340B Report Publisher and CEO Ted Slafsky.
An influential drug industry expert said that he expects Johnson & Johnson (J&J) to sue the government over its refusal [...]

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340B Health Leader Slams J&J Rebate Proposal, Urges Providers to ‘Remain Vigilant’ in Op-Ed

Maureen Testoni, the president and CEO of 340B Health celebrated J&J’s retreat from a 340B rebate proposal in an Oct. 9 RACmonitor op-ed.
The head of an influential 340B hospital advocacy group claimed “victory” in the recent fight against Johnson & Johnson’s (J&J) [...]

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Head of Drug Industry-Funded Think Tank Backs J&J’s Proposed Rebate Model, Slams Hospitals in Op-Ed

Sally Pipes, the president and CEO of the drug-industry funded Pacific Research Institute, criticized pushback that led Johnson & Johnson to forgo its plans to implement a 340B rebate model in an Oct. 7 Forbes op-ed.
The leader of a right-leaning think tank that’s received funding from the drug industry criticized pushback that led Johnson & [...]

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Providers Praise Federal Court’s Defense of Louisiana Contract Pharmacy Law as Drug Industry Weighs Next Steps

A federal court upheld Louisiana’s contact pharmacy law this week, drawing praise from provider groups and criticism from the drug industry in the latest of such challenges across the nation.
A key federal court decision to uphold Louisiana’s contact pharmacy law this week is drawing praise from provider groups and [...]

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340B Provider Groups, Key Federal Lawmaker Praise HRSA for Pressuring J&J to Drop 340B Rebate Proposal

U.S. Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-Va.) and multiple 340B provider groups applauded HRSA for its response on J&J's 340B rebate proposal.
Multiple 340B provider groups have applauded the federal government for threatening “strong” enforcement actions that led Johnson & Johnson (J&J) [...]

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Florida, North Carolina Now Eligible For Immediate 340B Enrollment Under Public Health Emergency

Eligible providers in Florida and North Carolina can now enroll in the 340B program outside of the formal enrollment period as the states experience widespread damage from Hurricane Helene. Credit: Shutterstock
Eligible providers in Florida and North Carolina can now enroll in the 340B program outside of the formal enrollment period [...]

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Breaking News

188 Bipartisan House Members Urge HHS Action Against J&J’s ‘Unlawful’ 340B Rebate Proposal

A bipartisan group of 188 House members sent HHS a letter urging action against J&J's 340B rebate proposal.
A bipartisan group of 188 House lawmakers urged the federal government Friday to “use every enforcement tool” at its disposal [...]

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Lawmakers Hit Campaign Trail Without Unveiling Highly Anticipated SUSTAIN 340B Act

The “Group of Six” is expected to announce this week that it plans to release the SUSTAIN Act by the end of the year.
Members of Congress are headed back to their districts this week to campaign ahead of the November elections without unveiling [...]

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