Leveraging Cash Cards to Amplify Your Patient Impact

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With impending changes like the Senate’s bipartisan SUSTAIN 340B Act on the horizon, it’s becoming increasingly critical for covered entities to demonstrate tangible benefits and positive patient outcomes because of their participation in the 340B program.

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Key Considerations for the SUSTAIN 340B Act


On February 2, six senators known as the “Gang of Six” – John Thune, Debbie Stabenow, Shelley Moore Capito, Tammy Baldwin, Jerry Moran and Ben Cardin – unveiled a discussion draft bill intended to preserve the 340B program and codify in statute

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Jaclyn Hahn, Director of Pharmacy, Ravin Consultants

Jaclyn Hahn

Q: Where did you grow up?

I grew up at the Jersey shore. After college, I moved to Santa Barbara, CA where I lived for 13 years before recently relocating with my family to Sarasota, FL. My Jersey girl accent is long gone these days, but I still love to visit in the summer and spend time with my

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For Covered Entities, Integrated Care is No Longer an Option


While health leaders have touted the “whole health” approach of integrated healthcare for decades as a way to provide patients with better, more cost-effective care, the COVID-19 pandemic significantly

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Joel Wright, President of Pharmacy Services, Maxor National Pharmacy Services

Joel Wright

Q: Where did you grow up?

I grew up in a small farm town named Caro in Eastern Michigan.  My uncle ran two drug stores in town, while my mother owned the Home Interior store, and my father worked at the Sugar Factory.

Q: Where did you go to college?

I graduated from Ferris State University, Big Rapids,

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Expert Tip from Cervey


TIP: Don’t leave money on the table. Referral capture provides a unique opportunity to maximize savings for your 340B program, but it’s essential

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Making the Most of Your 340B Program with a Comprehensive Pharmacy Strategy


The world of 340B has been in a state of dynamic change for several years. The covered entities navigating it with the most success have comprehensive pharmacy strategies. This helps them maximize both the value of their participation and the opportunities provided by

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Chris Creamer, Chief Pharmacy Officer, Avita Care Solutions

Chris Creamer

Q: Where did you grow up?

I grew up in Brookston, Indiana, a small town close to Purdue University (where I received my pharmacy degree). There were only 45 kids in my high school graduating class, but it was an ideal environment in which to grow up. 

Q: What are your favorites?

Food: Thai

Movie: The Shawshank

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Expert Tip from Apexus


TIP: Want to resolve negative 340B accumulations to improve your organization’s 340B compliance? Simplify your process for refunding manufacturers with the Apexus Covered

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Visante Webinar: 340B Current Issues and Policy Update


Join us for in an informative and timely 340B webinar scheduled for March 13th at 11:30 AM CT! Ted Slafsky, CEO of 340B Report, and Kristin Fox-Smith from Visante will share insights on 340B policy and litigation updates, along with valuable strategies to

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