Expert Tip from Sectyr, LLC


TIP: Make transparency and visibility the cornerstones of your 340B program.

As manufacturers continue to impose

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Part 2 of 2: Understanding the Top Five Challenges Facing Health Center Pharmacies Today

Holly Russo headshot


Part 2 of 2: Navigating staffing shortages, unpredictable demand, and complex industry requirements

While in-house pharmacies offer a wide array of benefits both for the community health center (CHC) and their patient

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Alex Homkey, Business Development Manager, Hudson Headwaters 340B

Alex Homkey

Q: Where did you grow up?

Queensbury NY

Q: Where did you go to college?

Castleton University for Undergrad and SUNY Albany for Graduate School

Q: What are your favorites?

Food: Sushi

Movie: I can’t box myself in to just one. In no particular order: The Big Short, LOTR: The Two Towers, Parasite

Musicians: My last 3

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Part 1 of 2: Understanding the Top Five Challenges Facing Health Center Pharmacies Today

Holly Russo headshot


Part 1 of 2: Managing costs and ensuring favorable contracting

As industry veterans know too well, having an in-house pharmacy can be greatly beneficial for both community health centers (CHCs) and

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Expert Tip from Ravin Consultants


TIP: Expand your Ryan White 340B designation to include STDs to improve patient health outcomes and maximize your 340B savings.

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Reflecting on Winter Coalition 2024


Last week, the 340B community gathered in the sun-soaked city of San Diego to gain insights, exchange best practices, and navigate the evolving complexities surrounding the program. Whether you missed the 340B Coalition winter event altogether or are seeking a recap to share

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Expert Tip From CPS Solutions


TIP: Ensure your organization complies with the new 340B billing modifier requirements effective in 2024 and 2025.

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Essential Practices for HRSA Audit Preparedness


The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) conducts randomized audits to assess compliance with the 340B drug pricing program, a federal initiative aimed at providing discounted medications to eligible entities. With more than 13,100 parent entities participating in 340B, this increased

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Prepping for HRSA Audits


Are you truly ready for a HRSA audit? Today we have two 340B experts, Dennis Killian and Heather Erickson, from CPS Solutions, LLC. (CPS) here to discuss three topics that will help you prepare. CPS has managed 340B Programs for hospitals and health systems since the

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