Unlocking the TRUE POTENTIAL of 340B


Primary care organizations often view themselves as a “Medical Home” for their patients, focusing on resolving patient health problems through their medical services. However, a significant challenge for providers lies in the inability to monitor and influence a patient’s behavior in the time between medical visits. Surprisingly, pharmacy professional services, designed to address this need, remain underutilized and are rarely integrated into medical workflows.

Understanding Pharmacy Professional Services

Pharmacy professional services can be defined differently by practice setting, but they encompass a range of activities performed by pharmacy resources to improve the outcomes of medication therapy. Essentially, these services eliminate barriers to drug therapy failure which can be categorized into three main buckets:

  1. Poor access or affordability
  2. Educational gaps
  3. Clinical effectiveness and side effects

Despite the pressing need for addressing these barriers, the current primary care infrastructure does not fully integrate these aspects into a multidisciplinary approach. However, this is

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