Expert Tip from Cervey


TIP: Identify viable contract pharmacy opportunities for 340B registration to maximize savings.

How to Identify

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10 Questions to Ask Your 340B TPA about Your Contract and Fees

Holly Russo, Maxor 340B


If you have one or more agreements with 340B Third Party Administrator(s) (TPA) to manage your contract pharmacy arrangements, how much do you know about those contracts and associated fees?  Chances are, you don’t know the answers to all the questions that follow.  Be

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Expert Tip From Visante


TIP: It is critical to ensure that ONLY items your Covered Entity (CE) considers eligible are included in the data file that is

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The 340B Program’s Current State of Play


Despite calls for reform by opponents, 340B enjoys broad bipartisan support.  On the legislative front, lawmakers have introduced multiple bills in the House and Senate that, if enacted, would alter program operations.  Multiple court cases regarding contract pharmacy use are working their way through the judicial

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Understanding the Impact of the Inflation Reduction Act


Millions of Americans struggle to afford their prescription drugs. Signed into law in August 2022, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) includes provisions to make drugs more affordable for Medicare patients, primarily through drug price negotiations and cost caps. The changes to

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Kim Barron, Vice President of Operations, Hudson Headwaters 340B

Kim Barron headshot
Kim Barron

Q: Where did you grow up?

Warrensburg, NY – it is a small town within the Adirondack Park in Upstate New York.  Just five miles northwest of beautiful Lake George.  It is also home of the world’s largest garage sale which takes place in late September.

Q: Where did you go to college?

I earned my Bachelor’s in

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Expert Tip From AllianceRx Walgreens Pharmacy


TIP: Review 340B eligible locations, prescribers, and referral potential on a regular basis to ensure you are maximizing your 340B pull through.

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Kirsty Gutierrez, Director of Client Success, Ravin Consultants

Kirsty Gutierrez headshot
Kirsty Gutierrez

Q: Where did you grow up?

I was born in the small town of Banbury, England, and excitedly moved to Florida as a child, where I quickly realized that Florida is not all Disney World!  I grew up in Tallahassee, Florida, until I moved to the beautiful city of Tampa for college.

Q: Where did you go to

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Expert Tip From CPS


TIP: Prepare for additional HRSA scrutiny on 340B clean sites with these 3 best practices.


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Provider POV: 340B is Critical. We Must Raise Our Voices.


For over 35 years, Avita Care Solutions’ Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Christopher Hall, has devoted his career to democratizing and scaling compassionate and competent care initiatives to underserved communities—the very patients the 340B program was designed to help. In the following interview, he offers

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