While All Eyes are on 340B Contract Pharmacy Battle, Federal Appeals Court Hears Arguments in Key Case Challenging HRSA’s Patient Definition

Genesis Health Care office sign and facility
A South Carolina health center's lawsuit, now before a federal appeals court, challenges one of of the 340B program's basic elements—the definition of a “patient” eligible to receive 340B drugs.

Part 1 of Two-Part Deep Dive into One of the Most Important and Contentious Areas of 340B Program

While much of the 340B community’s attention has been focused on the contract pharmacy suits winding through the federal court system, there

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340B Patient Definition Is at the Heart of Case Debated Before Federal Appeals Court

USCA Fourth Circuit court building
A federal appeals court in Richmond, Va., heard arguments last month in a case involving the legality of the 340B program definition of "patient."

Part 2 of a Two-Part Series About One of the Most Important and Contentious Areas of the 340B Program. Read Part 1 here.

An attorney for a South Carolina health center asked a federal appeals court in Richmond, Va., last

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