Implementing for Success


After 30 years of serving vulnerable populations, the 340B Drug Pricing Program has grown considerably in scale and complexity. While it is arguably one of the most successful public/private partnerships in healthcare history, 340B is facing policy obstacles and headwinds that can make administering a program more challenging for covered entities than ever. This includes manufacturers limiting discounts to a single contract pharmacy and excluding high-cost drugs from the program. 340B administration is also complicated by perennial regulatory updates from CMS that impact the program directly and indirectly.

For these reasons and more, it can often make sense for covered entities to seek the expertise and assistance of a 340B vendor to reduce the complexity and optimize the savings from 340B.  When you are working with partners, it’s important to ensure you are setting yourself up for success and the greatest return on your investment from the start. The implementation and onboarding process

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