Guidance on 340B ESP Use and Management


Since 2020, select drug manufacturers have begun deploying restrictions or limitations on the sale of their products through the 340B program. This has proven to be a marketplace disruptor that has shifted the landscape of the 340B contract pharmacy program, as covered entities have experienced a loss of savings and have had to increasingly rely on entity-owned retail and/or specialty pharmacy operations to help in their mission. The issue of manufacturer restrictions has endured several legal challenges as well with some states, such as Arkansas, Louisiana, West Virginia and Mississippi having measurable success with combating the manufacturer restrictions.

Regardless, manufacturers continue to impose restrictions with the assistance of 340B ESP, a drug industry vendor that facilitates 340B claim management and oversees implementation of drug maker policies.  In many cases, the restrictions made by the manufacturers will be applied to the covered entity for all contract pharmacies unless the covered entity has created

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Unlocking Greater 340B Savings


The 340B program serves as a lifeline for many communities, allowing them to provide critical services to vulnerable, underserved patients. But unfortunately, the industry faces a spectrum of challenges, from mounting drug manufacturer restrictions to incomplete referral claims capture, which hinder a covered entity’s ability to optimize their 340B program.

To help covered entities broaden the reach of their 340B program, SUNRx, a leading 340B technology solutions company, recently acquired AuthorityRx, including the automated Advanced Claims Capture (ACC) solution. By combining the technology and expertise of the companies, SUNRx is able to provide entities greater resources to serve patients and communities.

Today, when a patient of a 340B entity visits a referral provider, the entity often loses the potential savings associated with their 340B program. In the past, identifying referral claims and other missed claims with traditional referral capture models has been a complex, often manual process that results

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