Jazz Pharmaceuticals Posts Refund Notice on HRSA Website

Jazz Pharmaceuticals owes refunds to 340B providers, according to a notice posted on HRSA's website.
Jazz Pharmaceuticals owes refunds to 340B providers, according to a notice posted on the Health Resources and Services Administration’s Office [...]

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Influential Senator Extends 340B Inquiry to Community Health Centers

Sen. Bill Cassidy
Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.) expanded his ongoing inquiry into 340B revenue with letters to two major contract pharmacies.
The top Republican on an influential Senate committee today asked two community health centers to submit detailed financial information on [...]

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Lilly to Exempt Arkansas Providers from New Tighter 340B Contract Pharmacy Restrictions

Eli Lilly is conducting government approved 340B provider audits that for the first time look for certain Medicaid health plan duplicate discounts.
Pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly will exempt Arkansas covered entities from its latest 340B contract pharmacy restrictions in response to an [...]

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Hospitals to Meet with White House, HHS About 340B Dispute Resolution Process

The White House plans to release a revised administrative dispute resolution process for the 340B program this month.
Hospital groups will meet with federal executive branch officials to discuss coming changes to the 340B program’s administrative dispute resolution [...]

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Improved Non-Profit Hospital Outlook Helped by 340B Payout: Moody’s

Matt Cahil
The 340B program could have a big impact on not-for-profit hospital finances, said Matt Cahill, assistant vice president for Moody’s.
The 2024 outlook for not-for-profit hospital and health systems improved from negative to stable, in part, due to the planned [...]

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Louisiana Provider Group to Intervene in Second 340B Contract Pharmacy Lawsuit

A federal district judge allowed the Louisiana Primary Care Association's to intervene in a second drug industry lawsuit challenging Louisiana's 340B contract pharmacy law.
A Louisiana provider group was allowed to support the state attorney general’s legal defense of Louisiana’s 340B contract pharmacy law [...]

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Hospitals Continue Lobbying Push to Extend Pandemic-Era 340B Eligibility Waiver

Heywood Hospital joined a coalition of 340B hospitals and providers groups that has asked Congress to extend a 340B eligibility exemption waiver.
A growing coalition of 340B hospitals has asked lawmakers to extend 340B program eligibility exemptions first authorized during the COVID-19 [...]

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Louisiana Provider Group to Intervene in 340B Contract Pharmacy Lawsuit

A federal district judge allowed the Louisiana Primary Care Association's to intervene in a second drug industry lawsuit challenging Louisiana's 340B contract pharmacy law.
A federal judge allowed a Louisiana provider group to join the state attorney general in defending Louisiana’s 340B contract pharmacy [...]

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340B Hospitals Charge Higher Commercial Insurance Prices, Says PhRMA Funded Report

Neil Masia
Neil Masia, Ph.D., authored a Health Capital Group report that found 340B hospitals charge higher commercial insurance prices than non-340B hospitals.
The average hospital in the 340B program charges commercial insurers more than non-340B hospitals, according to a new report, which [...]

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Senate Committee Doubles Down on PBM Bill with 340B Spread Pricing Language

Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, announced a Dec. 5 hearing on prescription drug shortages that will include testimony from two witnesses who have published research on the 340B program.
Members of the Senate Finance Committee yesterday reiterated support for a pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) transparency bill with 340B spread [...]

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