340B Advocacy Group CV340B Plans March on Capitol Hill July 12

Community Voices for 340B (CV340B) on July 12 is holding its second annual Defend 340B March on Capitol Hill. The first was in August 2022.

340B grassroots group Community Voices for 340B (CV340B) has announced plans to hold its second annual Defend 340B March on Capitol Hill July 12.

A primary goal of the event is to raise awareness among lawmakers about 340B’s importance

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In Shift, 340B Health and AHA Now Say They Back Congressional Action on 340B Contract Pharmacy

Doris Matsui
340B Health and the AHA say they support 340B contract pharmacy legislation that Rep. Doris Matsui (D-Calif.) is working on.

Hospital group 340B Health and the American Hospital Association both have decided to support federal legislation to prohibit drug manufacturer restrictions on 340B covered entities’ use of contract pharmacies. A senior AHA official was quoted in a news article just

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340B Recertification for CDC Grantees Starts May 8

Annual 340B recertification for CDC grantees will be May 8 through June 5.

This year’s annual 340B recertification period for U.S. Centers for Disease Prevention and Control grantees—Title X family planning, sexually transmitted disease, and tuberculosis clinics—will be May 8 through June 5, the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration said Tuesday.


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New Group 340B Truth Seeks Provider Consensus on Federal Legislation

340B Truth
A new group, 340B Truth, is seeking a covered entity consensus position on 340B reform to take to Congress for quick action.

About a dozen people who advise, help run, or work at 340B covered entities are launching a nonprofit group, 340B Truth, to try to hammer out a covered entity consensus position on 340B reform and urge Congress to pass it

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New Mexico Governor Signs Bill Protecting 340B Providers from PBM and Payer Discrimination

New Mexico state flag
New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham (D) has signed a law to prevent PBMs and insurers from discriminating against 340B providers.

New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham (D) signed a law April 7 to prevent pharmacy benefit managers and insurers from discriminating against 340B providers.  The bill includes language that prohibits payers from reimbursing 340B covered entities at a lower rate

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AHA Again Blasts PhRMA and NACHC’s Alliance to Remake 340B

screenshot of the AHA blog
The AHA slammed PhRMA and NACHC's 340B reform alliance again, this time in its blog and related talking points.

The American Hospital Association has again blasted the drug industry’s alliance with community health centers for 340B reform, calling it “another misguided attempt by drug companies to dismantle [340B] so that they can continue to pad their billion-dollar bottom lines.”

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ASAP 340B Hires Executive Director and Publishes FAQ in Response to Questions and Criticism

ASAP 340B partnership wordmark
ASAP 340B this week announced it hired an executive director and published an FAQ that responds to questions and criticism.

ASAP 340B, the nonprofit group that the drug industry and health centers formed to help advance their joint plan to remake the 340B program, has hired an executive director and published an FAQ that responds to questions and criticism. “There

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AIDS Healthcare Foundation Protests Against PhRMA/NACHC Alliance During 340B Coalition Conference

Protesters carry placards in support of the 340B drug pricing program and AHF
AIDS Healthcare Foundation held a protest march Tuesday at the 340B Coalition winter conference in California against the PhRMA/NACHC alliance to change the 340B program.

AIDS Healthcare Foundation held two demonstrations Tuesday—one outdoors and loud, the other indoors and silent—at the 340B Coalition winter conference in California to protest against the new drug industry/community health center alliance to change the 340B program.

“Let’s be clear.

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RWC-340B Opposes and Hemophilia Alliance Questions PhRMA and NACHC’s Push to Remake 340B

RWC-340B Hemophilia Alliance wordmarks
RWC-340B rejected and Hemophilia Alliance criticized PhRMA and NACHC's joint plan to restructure the 340B program.

Ryan White Clinics for 340B Access has announced it opposes the drug industry’s joint plan with community health centers to restructure the 340B program, saying it will increase manufacturers’ “already astronomical profits at the expense of safety net providers.”


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Confidential Document Fleshes Out ASAP 340B’s Reform Objectives

Excerpt from a confidential PhRMA principles document
PhRMA has written an eight-page document that elaborates on its principles for 340B program reform.

A confidential document composed by Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America in connection with its 340B program reform initiative with the National Association of Community Health Centers fleshes out a “coalition” vision of the 10-point reform plan that the two

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