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Wall Street Journal Says Its Investigation of 340B Hospitals Raises Questions about Program’s Growth and Purpose

Screenshot of Wall Street Journal article Many Hospitals Get Big Drug Discounts.
The Wall Street Journal's long article today about hospital participation in 340B comes three months after a similar lengthy critique by The New York Times.

A growing number of hospitals that do not qualify for 340B drug discounts as disproportionate share hospitals are enrolling instead under less demanding criteria for rural referral centers—including nationally prominent urban hospitals in metro Boston, Chicago, and Cleveland, The Wall

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Two of Three Appeals Court Judges Question Government’s Stance That Drug Companies May Not Impose Conditions on 340B Sales

U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals court room
Two judges on a three-judge federal appeals court panel in Philadelphia today questioned whether the 340B statute forbids drug manufacturers from imposing distribution conditions on offers of 340B pricing.

Two judges on a three-judge federal appeals court panel this morning challenged a federal government lawyer’s stance that federal law forbids drug manufacturers from limiting how their drugs may be distributed when they offer to sell the drugs at reduced

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CMS Says It Will Announce Sometime Next Year How it Will Repay 340B Hospitals for Five Years of Illegal Drug Reimbursement Cuts

CMS building
CMS said late this afternoon it will put off until next year its decision on how it will comply with a U.S. Supreme Court decision striking down five years of drug reimbursement cuts for 340B hospitals.

The U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services said late this afternoon that it will address how it will remedy five years of illegal Medicare Part B underpayments to hospitals for 340B purchased drugs “in future rulemaking,” rather than in

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Appeals Court Questions Yet Again if it Has Jurisdiction Over Lilly’s 340B Contract Pharmacy Case

Screenshot of 7th Circuit Court Chief Judge Frank Easterbrook on C-SPAN2
Federal appeals court Judge Frank Easterbrook is pictured during an appearance on C-SPAN in 2013. Easterbrook during a court hearing today questioned whether a closely watched 340B contract pharmacy case was ripe for appellate review.

A federal appeals court judge in Chicago expressed doubt during a hearing this morning that the court can review a lower court decision in drug manufacturer Eli Lilly’s 340B contract pharmacy lawsuit.

Judge Frank Easterbrook, the senior judge on the

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In Key Hearing, Appeals Court Panel Seems to Lean in Favor of Some Drug Manufacturer Conditions on 340B Pricing

CADC courtroom
A federal appeals court in Washington, D.C., heard arguments this morning in Novartis and United Therapeutics' consolidated 340B contract pharmacy cases.

Two of three judges on a federal appeals court panel strongly indicated this morning that they reject the federal government’s position that nothing in the 340B statute gives drug manufacturers the right to put any conditions on offers of 340B

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HRSA Refers Merck to HHS Inspector General Over its 340B Contract Pharmacy Policy

Merck flag with U.S. flag
Merck did not immediately comment on the governnment's referral yesterday to the HHS Inspector General for possible imposition of civil fines over the company's 340B contract pharmacy restrictions.

The U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration yesterday referred drug manufacturer Merck to the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General for possible imposition of civil fines over Merck’s 340B contract pharmacy restrictions.

Public Health Services Lt.

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Effort Launched to Create 340C—a Separate Drug Discount Program for Health Centers and Possibly Other Entities

Advocates for Community Health wordmark
The health center advocacy group behind a proposed 340B program alternative recently slammed the 340B ACCESS Act, saying the newly introduced drug discount program overhaul bill would make it harder for members to leverage the 340B program and care for patients.

A national community health center association founded last year is launching a campaign to urge Congress to create a separate drug discount program called 340C open to health centers and perhaps rural hospitals and federal grantees.

According to a description

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Exclusive: HHS OIG Declines to Penalize Drug Manufacturers at This Time Over 340B Contract Pharmacy Restrictions

HHS signage and building
HRSA plans to host a webinar for federal grantees in the days leading up to the 2024 340B recertification period.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (HHS OIG) has informed a bipartisan group of House lawmakers that the enforcement agency does not plan to impose civil monetary penalties against the drug makers that have

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National Association of Community Health Centers Calls On Congress “To Move Urgently” To Tackle 340B Contract Pharmacy Impasse “Before It’s Too Late”

Screenshot of U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services dispute resolutions document
After the government’s Administrative Dispute Resolution panel dismissed its complaint against drug manufacturers, NACHC is calling for Congress to take urgent action to address the contract pharmacy impasse.

Sparked by the dismissal of its complaint against Astra Zeneca and Sanofi by the government’s Administrative Dispute Resolution Panel (ADR), the National Association of Community Health Centers say “they cannot wait any longer for a solution,” to the two-year standoff

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In Big Win For 340B Hospitals, CMS Will Reverse Massive Drug Reimbursement Cut for 2023 and Seeks Input on Potential Remedies for Prior Years

340B provider groups strongly criticized the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ draft guidance for Medicare drug price negotiations.

The U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services “fully anticipate[s]” applying a Medicare Part B reimbursement rate next year of average sales price ASP plus 6% to drugs and biologicals purchased through the 340B program, CMS announced late this afternoon.

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