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HRSA Starts Contacting Hospitals Forced Out of 340B During Pandemic About Possible Reinstatement

Dept. of Health and Human Services exterior sign and building
HRSA will review and release some of the 340B-related records the New York Times is seeking through FOIA requests.

UPDATE Friday, March 18, 2022, 1:30 p.m. EDT—The U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) told 340B Report shortly after this story was published, “To be eligible, [a] hospital’s termination must have been as a result of actions taken by

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Gilead Announces 340B Contract Pharmacy Restrictions that Apply to Hospital and Grantee Entities

Gilead building sign
Gilead is requiring 340B covered entities to supply claims data for its branded hepatitis C products to be able to continue to be eligible for bill to / ship to orders for multiple contract pharmacies.

Gilead late yesterday imposed conditions on 340B pricing on its branded hepatitis C treatments when covered entities use contract pharmacies. It is the 15th manufacturer to place restrictions on its 340B contract pharmacy program.

The policy, which applies to hospital

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U.S. Senate OK’s Limited Relief for Hospitals Forced Out of 340B Due to COVID-19

U.S Senate chamber seen from public gallery
The U.S. Senate gave final passage last night to legislation to help some hospitals forced out of the 340B program during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The U.S. Senate last night passed a $1.5 trillion federal appropriations bill with language to help some hospitals forced out of the 340B program during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The House passed the bill Wednesday night. President Biden is expected

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News Alert

Congress Is Close to Passing a Spending Bill that Likely Will Address Hospitals’ Loss of 340B Eligibility During Pandemic

A COVID-19 patient in an ambulance with two emergency technicians
Congress as soon as Friday could pass legislation addressing hospitals’ loss of eligibility for 340B drug discounts due to COVID-19-related changes in payer mix.

Legislation addressing hospitals’ loss of eligibility for 340B drug discounts due to COVID-19-related changes in payer mix could reach President Biden before Friday at midnight. The language would not be as beneficial to such hospitals as standalone bipartisan bills in

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