Editor’s note—A cascade of breaking 340B news developments over the past seven days—Amgen’s orphan drug action, HRSA’s dispute resolution final rule, the hospital lawsuit against HHS, the state attorneys general letter to HHS and the new GAO report—forced us to
…Category: General
Breaking News
BREAKING: Major Developments in 340B Hospital Lawsuit and in 340B Contract Pharmacy Dispute
U.S. Appeals Court Won’t Rehear Lawsuit Over Medicare Payment Cuts for Hospitals’ 340B-Purchased Drugs
The full U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit late this afternoon denied a motion to reconsider a three-judge panel’s
…Beta Testing Is Complete, We Are Live on Substack
We’re happy to report that 340B Report went live on our publishing platform, Substack, today. Moving forward, you’ll
…Breaking News
BREAKING: GAO Says HRSA Should Strengthen Oversight Over Private-Nonprofit Hospitals’ 340B Eligibility
BREAKING: GAO Says HRSA Should Strengthen Oversight Over Private-Nonprofit Hospitals’ 340B Eligibility
The Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA) oversight of 340B private, nonprofit hospitals should be significantly strengthened, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) found in a report released