California Legislature Passes 27th State Restriction on PBM 340B Discrimination

california capitol building
The California Senate recently cleared a bill that would make it the 27th state with a law protecting against PBM discriminatory reimbursement to 340B entities.
The California Senate recently cleared a bill to bar pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) alleged discrimination against 340B covered entities and [...]

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Arkansas Can Enforce 340B Contract Pharmacy Law, State Attorney Tells Appeals Court

Arkansas Insurance Department office sign
The Arkansas Insurance Department will imminently enforce a state 340B contract pharmacy law following a key federal appeals court decision.
An attorney for the state of Arkansas recently told a federal appeals court that the state will enforce its 340B [...]

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Appeals Court Decision May Threaten Some State Health Plan Regulations, 340B Protections

A federal appeals court struck down parts of an Oklahoma PBM law, which could create a legal gray area for certain 340B protections.
A federal appeals court decision striking down parts of an Oklahoma pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) law could jeopardize state laws [...]

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PhRMA to Federal Appeals Court: Arkansas Enforcing 340B Contract Pharmacy Law; Seventh Drugmaker Sues Over IRA

Eighth Circuit Court
PhRMA filed a citation to notify the U.S. Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals in St. Louis that Arkansas is enforcing its 340B contract pharmacy law.
The drug industry group challenging the legality of Arkansas’ 340B contract pharmacy law, notified a federal appeals court that the [...]

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Arkansas Initiates First-in-the-Nation Enforcement of 340B Contract Pharmacy Law

Arkansas Insurance Department office sign
The Arkansas Insurance Department will imminently enforce a state 340B contract pharmacy law following a key federal appeals court decision.
The Arkansas Insurance Department (AID) has formally notified at least four drugmakers that they are in potential violation of a [...]

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Federal Appeals Court Schedules Arguments in Challenge to Arkansas Contract Pharmacy Law

340B state legislation map
Two states have laws protecting 340B contract pharmacy arrangements and two others have passed 340B reporting requirements.
A federal appeals court has scheduled oral arguments for September in a case challenging Arkansas’ protections for 340B providers’ contract [...]

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Major Drug Company Sues Louisiana Over 340B Contract Pharmacy Law

AstraZeneca headquarters
The state of Louisiana and a coalition of community health centers urged a federal district court to dismiss AstraZeneca's lawsuit against a state contract pharmacy law.
Drug manufacturer AstraZeneca, one of the first companies to place restrictions on 340B discounts in the contract pharmacy setting, has [...]

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Enforceability of State Contract Pharmacy Laws Uncertain Amid Legal Challenges

Louisiana capitol
PhRMA has asked a federal district judge to block Louisiana's 340B contract pharmacy law, Act 358, which took effect Aug. 1.
While two drug manufacturers have recently relaxed or suspended their 340B contract pharmacy restrictions as a result of state laws [...]

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Merck Loosens 340B Contract Pharmacy Restrictions in Two States as Louisiana Law Takes Effect

Merck is the first drug manufacturer to announce it is issuing refunds to 340B providers in 2024.
Drug manufacturer Merck recently loosened its 340B program contract pharmacy restrictions in Louisiana and Arkansas just before Louisiana’s law protecting [...]

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Bipartisan AG Group Urges Senate to Protect 340B Contract Pharmacy Agreements, Require Provider Transparency

Connecticut Attorney General William Tong
Connecticut Attorney General William Tong (D) led a bipartisan group of state attorneys general urging changes to the 340B program.
Twenty-three state attorneys general urged a group of U.S. senators crafting a legislative overhaul of the 340B program to add [...]

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