N.Y. State Judge Dismisses 340B-Related Antitrust Suit Against CVS

CVS Health signage
A New York State judge dismissed the state attorney general's 340B-related antitrust lawsuit against CVS Health.

A New York State judge has dismissed the state’s antitrust lawsuit alleging that CVS Health illegally makes 340B covered entities use its 340B third party administrator Wellpartner in order to contract with CVS retail and specialty pharmacies to dispense 340B-purchased

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Key Lawmaker Introduces Bill to Protect NY Health Centers and Clinics from “Hundreds of Millions” in Lost 340B Savings

New York state capitol building and plaza
A bill has been introduced in New York State to repeal the April 1 shift of state Medicaid managed care pharmacy benefits to Medicaid fee for service.

The chair of the New York Senate health committee has introduced legislation to repeal the April 1 shift of state Medicaid managed care pharmacy benefits to Medicaid fee for service. The state’s 340B health centers and Ryan White clinics say

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Calif. Medicaid Drug Benefit Transfer Will Harm Care at 340B Health Centers, National and State Groups Tell Court

US District Court Sacramento building and United States flag
The National Association of Community Health Centers and the California Primary Care Association filed briefs in federal district court in Sacramento in a case that seeks to reverse California’s shift of Medicaid pharmacy benefits to Medicaid fee for service.

National and state health center associations have filed amicus briefs in a lawsuit over California’s shift of Medicaid pharmacy benefits to Medicaid fee for service. They say the move will cost 340B providers in the state millions in savings needed

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340B Hospital Transparency Bill Dies in Indiana

Indiana state capitol building
Legislation that included 340B hospital reporting requirements failed to advance in the Indiana legislature.

Legislation in Indiana that would have required hospitals to file annual reports disclosing their median reimbursement for 340B-priced drugs, along with numerous other financial disclosures, has failed to advance and has no chance of passage this year.

The wide-ranging hospital

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Iowa Tries Again to End Alleged PBM Bias Against 340B Providers and Pharmacies

Iowa State Capitol building
Iowa lawmakers are debating legislation to bar pharmacy benefit managers and insurers from using alleged discriminatory practices against 340B covered entities and their contract pharmacies.

Identical bills have been introduced in the Iowa House and Senate to bar pharmacy benefit managers and insurers from using alleged discriminatory practices against 340B covered entities and their contract pharmacies, including reimbursing them at a lower rate or imposing

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Connecticut’s Democratic Governor Wants Hospitals to Report 340B Earnings and Manufacturers to Resume 340B Pricing

A Connecticut state health agency under Gov. Ned Lamont (D) proposed legislation to implement certain 340B provider reporting requirements.

Connecticut’s Democratic governor wants his state’s 340B hospitals to start filing annual reports disclosing their 340B drug revenues and summarizing how they use the money to benefit their communities. Health centers and other 340B grantee covered entities would be exempt

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Kansas Bill Targets 340B Contract Pharmacy Limits, Rhode Island Bill Targets PBM Policies

Aerial view of Kansas state Capitol building
A bill in Kansas would prohibit drug manufacturers from denying 340B covered entities access to a manufacturers’ products if the entities use contract pharmacies.

Kansas lawmakers have introduced a bill to prohibit drug manufacturers from denying 340B covered entities access to a manufacturers’ products if the entities use contract pharmacies.

The legislation, like bills recently rolled out in other states, is modeled on the

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Virginia House Subcommittee Defeats 340B Hospital Accountability Bill; Rev. Al Sharpton Says Program Direly Needs More Oversight

Screenshot of Virginia state legislature public testimony
Bon Secours Health System Vice President Rhodes Ritenour testified against proposed Virginia state legislation to require more accountability from 340B hospitals about how they use 340B program revenues. State House Del. Kathy Tran, the bill's sponsor, is seated behind him.

A Virginia House subcommittee last week voted 3-2 against a Democrat’s bill to require more accountability from 340B hospitals about how they use 340B program revenues.

In a reversal of their parties’ normal stances on 340B nationally, Democrats voted for

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Mississippi Reintroduces Bill to Ban Drug Makers’ 340B Contract Pharmacy Restrictions

State of Mississippi capitol building
Mississippi legislators have reintroduced legislation to stop drug companies from denying 340B covered entities access to the manufacturers’ products if the entity uses contract pharmacies.

Mississippi legislators have reintroduced legislation to stop drug manufactures from denying 340B covered entities access to the manufacturers’ products if the entity uses contract pharmacies.

Mississippi joins Missouri in making a second attempt to pass legislation modeled after the

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340B Report Publisher and CEO Slafsky: Three 340B Observations for 2023

U.S. Capitol with U.S flag
Expect the 340B program to be get signficant attention at the federal and state level this year, 340B Report Publisher and CEO Ted Slafsky says.

In his inaugural column for Verity Solutions, 340B Report Publisher and CEO Ted Slafsky offers insights “on what to expect in Washington, D.C., and the states in 2023 when it comes to the 340B program.”

Slafsky in the column makes

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