News Alert: Calif. 340B Health Centers Ask Judge to Stop Tomorrow’s “Devastating” State Medicaid Drug Payment Changes

California health centers asked U.S. District Judge John A. Mendez yesterday to stop a state Medicaid drug reimbursement change due to begin tomorrow that they say would strip away all their 340B drug discount savings.

California health centers asked a federal district judge yesterday to stop a major state Medicaid drug reimbursement change due to begin tomorrow. They say the change would strip away all their 340B drug discount savings, devastating safety-net health care

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Calif. Health Centers Will Ask Court to Stop State Medicaid Change That Could Reduce 340B Savings Significantly

California health centers plan to seek a court order stopping the state from moving Medicaid managed care drug benefits to Medicaid fee for service on Jan. 1.

As California’s Medicaid program moves toward implementing a fee-for-service payment structure for drug coverage, one of the primary foes of the transition has returned to court to obtain a temporary restraining order.

The new Medi-Cal Rx program is intended to

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In What Is Believed to Be the First State Action, W.Va. Says Express Scripts’ 340B Claims ID Policy Violates State Law

West Virginia Insurance Commissioner Allan McVey ruled that Express Scripts’ controversial 340B claims identification and submission requirement violates state law.

Pharmaceutical benefit manager Express Scripts’ (ESI) controversial 340B claims identification and submission requirement violates West Virginia law, state Insurance Commissioner Allan McVey has ruled.

McVey on Dec. 8 adopted and approved a hearing examiner’s Nov. 17 finding that ESI’s

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“Pharma Bro’s” ex-Company and ex-Partner Settling Claims Arising from Daraprim “Scheme,” FTC Says

“Pharma Bro” Martin Shkreli’s former company and former business partner agreed to settle legal claims arising from the company’s purchase of and 4,000% price increase on the drug Daraprim.

“Pharma Bro” Martin Shkreli’s former company and former business partner agreed Tuesday to settle legal claims brought against them by the U.S. and seven state governments arising from the company’s purchase of and 4,000% price increase on the drug Daraprim,

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Federal Court Decision on Novel Arkansas 340B Contract Pharmacy Law Might Not Come Until 2023

A federal district judge in Little Rock might not rule on Arkansas’s 340B nondiscrimination law might until sometime in 2023.

A federal court ruling on the legality and constitutionality of Arkansas’s 340B nondiscrimination law might not come until sometime in 2023.

U.S. Senior District Judge Billy Roy Wilson on Monday issued an initial scheduling order in the drug industry lawsuit

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California Still Plans to Move Medicaid Pharmacy Benefits to Fee-for-Service in January

California’s Medicaid (Medi-Cal) program remains on track to move its pharmacy benefit from managed care to fee-for-service early next year.

UPDATE Tuesday, Oct. 26, 2021, 5:00 p.m. EDT—We have updated this article to reflect new information from the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) about the timeframe for the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to complete

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Arkansas Ending PhRMA Proceeding Against State 340B Contract Pharmacy Law as Focus Turns to Federal Lawsuit

Arkansas's insurance commissioner is ending PhRMA's state administrative proceeding to stop his department from implementing and enforcing the state’s 340B contract pharmacy law.

The Arkansas Insurance Department (AID) is ending the drug industry’s state administrative proceeding to stop the department from implementing and enforcing the state’s novel 340B contract pharmacy law.

In his Oct. 5 order ending the proceeding, Insurance Commissioner Alan

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Arkansas Insurance Dept. to Rule Next Month on PhRMA’s Petition to Block Novel 340B Contract Pharmacy Law

An Arkansas Insurance Department hearing officer said last week she would decide by Oct. 13 whether to stay enforcement of a state law requiring drug manufacturers to honor 340B contract pharmacy arrangements.

An Arkansas Insurance Department hearing officer said last week she would decide by Oct. 13 whether to stay enforcement of a state law requiring drug manufacturers to honor 340B contract pharmacy arrangements pending resolution of a bevy of federal lawsuits

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N.C. Lawmakers Leave 340B DSH, Children’s, and Cancer Hospitals and HTCs Unprotected from PBM Pickpocketing

Hospital sign
North Carolina lawmakers excluded 340B disproportionate share hospitals, children’s hospitals, free-standing cancer hospitals, and hemophilia treatment centers from protection against discriminatory PBM treatment under a bill passed and sent to the governor this week.

North Carolina lawmakers approved a final deal Wednesday to protect some, but not all, of the state’s 340B covered entities against discrimination by pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs).

Under an agreement a House-Senate conference committee reached on Sept. 8, 340B

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Hearing Friday on PhRMA’s Push to Quash First State Law to Protect 340B Contract Pharmacy Program

Arkansas Insurance Commissioner Alan McClain temporarily suspended his state's new 340B contract pharmacy law pending a review of its constitutionality.

The Arkansas Insurance Department is holding a public hearing this Friday morning on whether it should strike down as unconstitutional the nation’s first state law to address pharmaceutical manufacturer denials of 340B pricing on drugs when they are dispensed by

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