Update: 340B-Related Action in the States

Editors’ note: Have you read our 13-page special report on the 340B Coalition Winter Conference? We’ve received excellent feedback and think you and your colleagues will find it beneficial. Let us know what you think. Write to us at

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Think Tank to States: Use 340B to Reduce Drug Prices

Think Tank to States: Use 340B to Reduce Drug Prices

States should do more to help hospitals and other providers enroll in the 340B program as a way to lower drug prices, a liberal think tank with ties to the

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Vermont Bills Would Require 340B Hospitals to Report Drug Discount Savings and Spending

Vermont Bills Would Require 340B Hospitals to Report Drug Discount Savings and Spending

Companion bills filed this month in the Vermont House and Senate would require hospitals to report how much money they save through the 340B program

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Massachusetts Medicaid Wants to Stop Covering “High Cost” Drugs Bought Through 340B

(Editor’s note: The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) tomorrow will consider a staff analysis of “whether the availability of 340B drug discounts creates incentives to choose more expensive products in some cases and the resulting impact on Medicare patients’ cost-share

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Breaking News

BREAKING: States Can Limit Providers’ Use of 340B Drugs for Medicaid Patients, CMS Says

BREAKING: States Can Limit Providers’ Use of 340B Drugs for Medicaid Patients, CMS Says

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services released policy guidance yesterday outlining “best practices” states should consider for avoiding duplicate Medicaid rebates and 340B discounts

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