
Arkansas Enforcing 340B Contract Pharmacy Access Law Against AstraZeneca

Arkansas officials are seeking penalties against AstraZeneca in an August hearing for allegedly violating the state's 340B contract pharmacy access law.
Arkansas state officials today scheduled a public hearing to enforce the state’s 340B contract pharmacy access law against AstraZeneca, according [...]

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Takeda Loosens Contract Pharmacy Restrictions on Arkansas Hospitals

Takeda has loosened its 340B contract pharmacy restrictions for Arkansas-based hospital covered entities.
Editors’ note: After publication, Pfizer became the 24th drugmaker to loosen or end its contract pharmacy restrictions for Arkansas covered entities, [...]

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Breaking News

In Victory for Drug Industry, Kansas Legislature Pauses New 340B Contract Pharmacy Law, Sending Issue Back to the Governor

Kansas lawmakers voted late Tuesday for a long-term pause of a recently enacted contract pharmacy law.
Just weeks after passing legislation to prohibit drugmaker 340B contract pharmacy restrictions in the state, Kansas lawmakers voted late Tuesday [...]

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Missouri Senate Overwhelmingly Passes 340B Contract Pharmacy Bill; New Kansas Law Expected to Face Setback Today

The Missouri state senate recently passed a 340B contract pharmacy access bill.
The Missouri Senate yesterday overwhelmingly passed a 340B contract pharmacy access bill, two weeks after the state house passed a [...]

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Louisiana AG, Health Centers Defend 340B Contract Pharmacy Law in Response to Drugmaker Suit

Louisiana Attorney General Liz Murrill (R) and a state provider group each filed response briefs to drugmaker AbbVie in a case challenging Louisiana's 340B contract pharmacy access law.
Louisiana Attorney General Liz Murrill (R) and a state provider group each filed response briefs to drugmaker AbbVie in a case challenging Louisiana's 340B contract pharmacy access law.
Louisiana’s 340B contract pharmacy access law is constitutional because it governs drug distribution and not pricing, a state official and [...]

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Bausch Health Becomes 22nd Drugmaker to End or Loosen 340B Contract Pharmacy Restrictions in Arkansas

Drugmaker Bausch Health has exempted all Arkansas covered entities from its 340B contract pharmacy restrictions in response to a state law recently upheld by a federal appeals court.
Drug manufacturer Bausch Health announced it will exempt all Arkansas providers and pharmacies from its 340B contract pharmacy policy, including [...]

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Former Sen. Pryor Dies, Remembered for Key Role Helping to Enact 340B Law

President Bill Clinton and Sen. David Pryor (D-Ark.) had a close relationship. Pryor played a key role in enactment of the 340B law.
Following the recent death of former Arkansas governor and U.S. Sen. David Pryor, he is being remembered for his important [...]

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Drug Industry Vendor, Free-Market Legal Non-Profit Echo PhRMA’s Call for Appeals Court to Rehear Arkansas 340B Contract Pharmacy Case

Two groups filed amicus briefs asking for a full appeals court panel to rehear a case on Arkansas' 340B contract pharmacy access law.
A drug industry vendor and a conservative non-profit each urged a full federal appeals court to rehear a case on [...]

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Maine Issues Draft Rule for 340B Hospital Reporting Requirements with New Data, Enforcement Provisions

After Maine passed one of the nation's first 340B provider reporting laws last year, a state health agency has proposed a rule for implementation.
The state agency tasked with implementing Maine’s state 340B hospital reporting requirement has proposed a rule with additional data and [...]

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COLUMN: Despite 340B Opponents’ Unprecedented Tactics, Many States Progress on Contract Pharmacy Protection Legislation

Ted Slafsky, publisher and CEO of 340B Report, writes about the surge in state 340B legislation in his latest column.
After over 30 years of working in Washington, D.C., I have become accustomed to the expression “politics ain’t beanbag.” The [...]

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