Editor’s note—A cascade of breaking 340B news developments over the past seven days—Amgen’s orphan drug action, HRSA’s dispute resolution final rule, the hospital lawsuit against HHS, the state attorneys general letter to HHS and the new GAO report—forced us to
…Category: Other Industry
A message from 340B Report Publisher and CEO Ted Slafsky: We are pleased to have a sponsored content article today from Michael Gonzalez, President and Lead Consultant, FQHC340B, a valued 340B Report sponsor. I encourage you to read it. We will
…Note from the Publisher and CEO: Happy Wednesday. Bronwyn Mixter is filling in for Tom Mirga this week and next week. If you have story ideas or tips, feel free to reach her at bronwyn.mixter@340breport.com or 703-403-5926.
Note from Publisher and CEO Ted Slafsky: We are pleased that Bronwyn Mixter is filling in for Tom Mirga for the next two weeks while Tom takes a late summer break. Bronwyn is a veteran health care reporter who covered
…Breaking News
BREAKING: Omnicell Buys PSG’s 340B Line of Business, the Latest in a Trend of 340B TPA Acquisitions
Omnicell Buys PSG’s 340B Line of Business, the Latest in a Trend of 340B TPA Acquisitions
Omnicell Inc., a leading provider of automated drug dispensing systems and other prescription drug supply chain products and services, has agreed to buy Pharmaceutical
…A Message from Publisher and CEO Ted Slafsky: We recently welcomed FQHC 340B Compliances Services to our growing list of sponsors. In today’s sponsored content article, FQHC 340B Lead Consultant Michael Gonzalez offers five great tips on how covered entities can
…BREAKING: HRSA Awards 340B Prime Vendor Agreement to Apexus
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) announced this morning that it has awarded the 340B Prime Vendor Agreement to Apexus LLC after a competitive bid process.
“The 340B Prime Vendor