Survey: Hospitals’ Losses from 340B Contract Pharmacy Restrictions Ballooned During Q1 2022

Annualized losses due to contract pharmacy restrictions December 2021 vs. March 2022 comparison
340B hospitals' annualized losses due to drug makers contract pharmacy restrictions grew sharply during Q1 2022, a survey found.

The financial impact to 340B hospitals due to drug manufacturers’ restrictions on contract pharmacy more than doubled between December 2021 and March 2022, a new survey shows.

Hospital trade group 340B Health said the median annualized loss of contract pharmacy

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Non-Hospital Infusion Centers See a Path to 340B Reform that Runs Through the States

copies of Worcester Business Journal online article and Infusion Access Foundation letter
Infusion Access Foundation's state level 340B outreach includes appeals to Massachusetts' attorney general last month (left) and California's last November (right).

A foundation linked to a trade group that represents non-hospital infusion centers is working to enlist state attorneys general and legislators to push for major 340B program changes at the federal level.

The National Infusion Center Association (NICA) is the

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Influential HIV/AIDS Group Asks Gilead to Exempt Ryan White Clinics from Company’s 340B Contract Pharmacy Restrictions

Gilead exterior office sign
Gilead Sciences will expand its data reporting requirements for 340B pricing on branded hepatitis C products to contract pharmacies wholly owned by covered entities.

Ryan White Clinics for 340B Access (RWC-340B) has asked drug manufacturer Gilead to exempt all Ryan White clinics from the company’s conditions on 340B pricing on its branded hepatitis C treatments when covered entities use contract pharmacies.

RWC-340B made the

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Six Groups Slam Drug Makers’ 340B Pricing Conditions on Hepatitis C Medicines

Six HIV/AIDS and viral hepatitis advocacy groups issued a joint statement criticizing AbbVie, Gilead, and Merck’s conditions on 340B pricing on hepatitis C medications.

UPDATE Thursday, April 21, 2022, 5:00 p.m. EDT—AbbVie issued this statement: AbbVie supports the 340B program and is committed to the program’s goal of improving access to medicines for uninsured and vulnerable patients. Our 340B initiative does not block access

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Lilly Providing Refunds for 340B Overcharges During Q3 2019

Lilly outdoor sign
Drug company Lilly is providing refunds for 340B overcharges on 14 NDCs during 3Q 2019.

Drug manufacturer Lilly is giving 340B covered entities refunds for overcharges on 14 NDCs during Q3 2019 after restating Medicaid average manufacturer prices and best prices “to account for lagged transactional data,” the company says on a notice on the

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Drug Makers’ 340B Pricing Restrictions Hit Small Rural Hospitals Especially Hard, Survey Shows

This Hospital is closed sign
About two thirds (64%) of CAHs and one third (33%) of larger, more urban hospitals say their ability to keep their doors open would be affected if drug company 340B contract pharmacy restrictions become more widespread.

Small rural hospitals have lost on average 39% of their 340B contract pharmacy savings due to drug manufacturers’ conditions on 340B pricing while larger, mostly urban hospitals have lost on average 23%, a hospital group’s member survey shows.

The finding

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Exclusive: Gilead Responds to Health Center Group’s Criticism of its 340B Contract Pharmacy Policy

Gilead exterior office sign
Gilead told NACHC in a letter yesterday it is concerned about the group's criticism of the company's new conditions on 340B contract pharmacy pricing on its branded hepatitis C treatments.

Drug manufacturer Gilead told the National Association of Community Health Centers yesterday that NACHC’s condemnation last month of Gilead’s new conditions on 340B contract pharmacy pricing on its branded hepatitis C treatments “seem to represent a misunderstanding of this integrity

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340B Advocacy Group Expresses Concern About Apparent Unique Feature in J&J’s Contract Pharmacy Policy

Janssen Pharmaceutical companies of Johnson&Johnson outdoor sign
RWC-340B says Johnson & Johnson’s new conditions on 340B-purchased drugs when hospitals use contract pharmacies apparently applies also to hospitals’ non-340B-purchased “own use” drugs.

Drug manufacturer Johnson & Johnson’s new conditions on 340B-purchased drugs when hospitals use contract pharmacies apparently apply also to hospitals’ non-340B-purchased “own use” drugs, the group Ryan White Clinics for 340B Access has told its members.

J&J has not responded

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Ryan White 340B Clinic Association Names New Managing Director

Trent Smith headshot
Trent Smith is the new Managing Director of Ryan White Clinics for 340B Access.

Ryan White Clinics for 340B Access (RWC-340B) and its management services consultant have chosen Trent Smith, a former manager and director in both the nonprofit and for-profit sectors, to be RWC-340B’s new managing director.

RWC-340B announced the hiring last week.

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News Alert

Exclusive: Leading Health Center Organization Calls Gilead’s New 340B Contract Pharmacy Restrictions “Unconscionable”

prescription bottle of Vosevi and pill
NACHC called Gilead's 340B pricing conditions on Vosevi and three of its other hepatitis C drugs "the latest example of corporate greed from a pharmaceutical company."

The National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) told drug manufacturer Gilead this morning its new conditions on 340B contract pharmacy pricing on its branded hepatitis C treatments are “unconscionable,” “appalling,” “wrongheaded,” and “the latest example of corporate greed from

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