Welcome To 340B Report From Publisher & CEO Ted Slafsky

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

In addition to my role as Founder of Wexford Solutions, I am very pleased to announce the launch of a new venture—340B Report. 340B Report is the only independent subscription news service that provides regular coverage and analysis about the federal 340B drug pricing program. The 340B Report team has a combined six decades of experience with the 340B program and in journalism. That background informs our reporting and analysis in a way unmatched by others.

Our Game Plan

Each Tuesday and Thursday, as well as when breaking news happens, you will receive 340B Report. We will cover program developments big and small—in federal government agencies, Congress, courts, the states, associations, the private sector, academia, and more. If your success rides on staying on top of 340B, 340B Report has you covered.

Special Report

In addition to receiving timely updates on 340B developments, subscribers will get periodic specialized, in-depth reports. Our first Special Report covers the proceedings at the 2020 340B Coalition Winter Conference held earlier this month in San Diego. Click on the image above or the button below for a copy. Whether you attended the event or not, we think this deep dive into some of the most important sessions will be very helpful to you and your colleagues. Feel free to share the Special Report with others and please pass the word on about 340B Report and follow us on Twitter.

Get Our Special Report


In the coming months, we plan to launch a companion outlet—the 340B Report Podcast. Podcast episodes will be distributed as embedded content in editions of the newsletter. We plan to use this format to educate our subscribers and to interview leaders in the 340B arena through our 340B Thought Leader Series.

How to Ensure You Receive 340B Report

Since you are a friend or colleague, you will begin receiving 340B Report in your inbox immediately. The news service will be free for a short period and then will evolve into a subscription-based model in the coming months. To be eligible for a significant discount, please click on the button below and fill out a simple contact form. This will enable your organization to receive a deep discount on subscriptions. If you do not wish to receive 340B Report, simply click on the Unsubscribe link in the gray box at the bottom of this email.

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Background and Acknowledgements

Before my 22-year leadership stint at 340B Health, I was a journalist at U.S. News & World Report. I have a keen eye for news and care deeply about ensuring the 340B stakeholder community remains educated and informed about this fascinating and important federal health care program.

Tom Mirga, who served as Editorial Director of 340B Health during my time as President & CEO, is 340B Report’s Editor. Tom has unsurpassed knowledge of the 340B program, is an intrepid reporter and gifted writer. I am very lucky to have such a talented, passionate, and well-connected thinker on our team. We will be hiring additional editorial and business development staff in the coming months.

I want to take a minute to express my thanks to Tom, my wife Diane Slafsky, and numerous friends and colleagues that have provided support and guidance as we took this from an idea to reality. Diane, who will be Controller of the company, has played an instrumental role in all aspects of the 340B Report’s launch. I also want to thank Hamish McKenzie of Substack, the newsletter web platform that is hosting 340B Report, as well as Jane Aylward, our graphic designer who designed 340B Report’s beautiful logo and works with us on other projects.

I also want to give a very warm shout-out to our Inaugural Sponsors: Pharmaceutical Strategies Group (PSG), RxStrategies, Trellis Rx, Powers Law, and the 5th Annual Covered Entities’ 340B Summit. We are very grateful to these sponsors for their generosity, support, and confidence. You will be learning more about them in both our Special Report on the 340B Coalition winter conference as well as in our regular issues. Click on the button below to learn about the benefits of being a 340B Report Sponsor. If your company or organization is interested in sponsorship/advertising opportunities, you also can reach me at ted.slafsky@340BReport.com.

Sponsor Benefits


Ted Slafsky

Publisher and CEO

Web: 340B Report

Email: ted.slafsky@340BReport.com

Twitter: @tslafsky

Phone: 703-517-1325

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