Hospital Group Blasts CMS for Delaying Redress for Illegal 340B Drug Payments Cuts

AHA office sign
CMS should "promptly reimburse" hospitals for unlawfully withheld 340B drug reimbursement from 2018 to 2022, the AHA says.

The federal government has had “more than adequate time to correct” its unlawful Medicare Part B payment cuts for hospitals’ 340B purchased drugs from 2018 through 2022 and should promptly reimburse the hospitals it harmed, the American Hospital Association said

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NACHC Seeks Meeting with Becerra About 340B Contract Pharmacy Restrictions After “Inexplicable” ADR Decision

NACHC wordmark
NACHC told HHS Secretary Becerra it has “little choice” but to turn to Congress after an HHS panel dismissed NACHC’s 340B overcharging claims against AstraZeneca and Sanofi.

The National Association of Community Health Centers is asking to meet with U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra to discuss drug companies’ “unlawful restrictions” on 340B drug shipments to contract pharmacies.

NACHC told Becerra in an Oct. 14

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Breaking News

Effort Launched to Create 340C—a Separate Drug Discount Program for Health Centers and Possibly Other Entities

Advocates for Community Health wordmark
The health center advocacy group behind a proposed 340B program alternative recently slammed the 340B ACCESS Act, saying the newly introduced drug discount program overhaul bill would make it harder for members to leverage the 340B program and care for patients.

A national community health center association founded last year is launching a campaign to urge Congress to create a separate drug discount program called 340C open to health centers and perhaps rural hospitals and federal grantees.

According to a description

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New York Times Front Page Story on 340B Program Causes Shockwaves

screenshot of New York Times article, How a Hospital Chain Used a Poor Neighborhood to Turn Huge Profits
The New York Times weekend front page story on Bon Secours Mercy Health System’s alleged misuse of the 340B program is creating a stir in the 340B community.

340B stakeholders are responding to a long investigative article in Saturday’s New York Times that accuses a Catholic health system of exploiting the 340B discount program at the expense of one of its inner-city hospitals to enrich its other hospitals

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340B HIV Providers Warn of “Drug Industry Disinformation Campaign”

Shannon Stephenson headshot
Drug manufacturers’ true goal is to cripple the 340B program, says Shannon Stephenson, RWC-340B President and CEO of Cempa Community Cares.

Ryan White Clinics for 340B Access (RWC-340B), a national organization of 340B HIV/AIDS medical providers, has published a detailed rebuttal of several recently published articles criticizing the 340B program.  RWC-340B accuses article authors—many of whom are supported by the drug

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PhRMA, BIO, and Others Unleash a Torrent of 340B Hospital Criticism

screenshot of PhRMA blog post September 15, 2022
Headline from recent blog post by PhRMA spokesperson Nicole Longo.

340B disproportionate share hospitals (DSH) in 2020 spent 2.2 times more on outpatient drugs per commercially insured patient than non-340B DSH hospitals and 2.6 times more than other types of 340B hospitals, a new drug industry-funded study shows.


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Ex-Surgeon General Adams Urges 340B Entities to Publicize Program’s Benefits

Former U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams speaking at a conference
Ex-U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams urged 340B Coalition summer conference attendees to show they "are fighting to deliver care to the vulnerable and to the underserved." | Credit: 340B Coalition Twitter

Healthcare providers can suppress attacks on and build support for the 340B program by doing more to show the program helps vulnerable patients, the anesthesiologist who served as President Trump’s surgeon general said yesterday.

“We are fighting to deliver care

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340B Coalition Conference Speakers to Providers: Give Us Your Success Stories

large projection of HRSA Administrator Carol Johnson speaking at a podium
“It’s really important to us, and it’s really important to you all … that you tell the story of 340B,” HRSA Administrator Carole Johnson told entities yesterday at the 340B Coalition summer conference.

Top federal 340B program officials and the head of a 340B hospital group yesterday urged covered entity representatives attending a meeting near Washington, D.C., to focus on documenting and telling their 340B success stories.

The need to show that 340B

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340B Hospitals Treat Bigger Shares of Underserved Patients than Non-340B Hospitals and Clinics, Study Finds

bar chart depicting 3 characteristics of patients receiving part B drugs in 2019
340B hospitals treat higher shares of patients who are dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid, Medicare patients with disabilities, and Medicare patients under 65, a new study found.

A new study, conducted by L&M Policy Research on behalf of 340B Health, finds hospitals participating in the 340B program treat much higher shares of underserved patients than non-340B hospitals and physicians’ offices. The study was released on July 29. 


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First-Ever Conference Just for 340B Grantee Entities Set for October in Denver

Aerial view of Denver, Colorado Capitol building dome and cityscape
The first-ever 340B conference exclusively for grantee covered entities is being held in Denver in October.

HIV/AIDS clinics and community health centers that participate in the 340B program yesterday announced the first 340B conference exclusively for grantee covered entities, Oct. 18-19 in Denver. 

Ryan White Clinics for 340B Access (RWC-340B), National Association of Community Health Centers

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