Amid Double Digit 2023 Growth in 340B, NACHC Urges Federal Over State Reform

Vacheria Keys, director of regulatory affairs at NACHC, said the organization was focused on comprehensive federal 340B reform.
Unreleased figures show “double digit growth again for the 340B program” in 2023, the leader of the 340B prime vendor [...]

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AIDS Group Protests Health Center-Drug Industry Alliance Outside NACHC Policy Forum

AHF protested NACHC's partnership with drug industry advocates outside of a health center policy forum in Washington, D.C.
The AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) staged a protest over the partnership between health centers and drug industry advocates outside a [...]

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PhRMA Washington Post Advertorial Highlights Data Critical of 340B Program

A pharmaceutical industry advertorial in the Washington Post questioned whether the 340B program benefited hospital patients.
The leading advocacy group for pharmaceutical manufacturers recently published an advertorial in the Washington Post that highlights a range of [...]

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Bucshon Calls for 340B Hospital Transparency at NACHC Policy Forum

Rep. Larry Bucshon (R-Ind.) told health center leaders he was a "big supporter of 340B" and called for added program transparency measures.
An influential Republican congressman yesterday told a gathering of health center leaders that more 340B hospital transparency was needed to [...]

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AHA Pans NEJM Study on 340B Price Mark Ups, Lead Author Fires Back

Aimee Kuhlman, vice president of advocacy and grassroots for AHA, co-wrote a blog post that criticized an NEJM study on 340B price mark ups.
The country’s largest hospital advocacy organization has leveled several challenges to a high-profile January study that concluded 340B hospitals had [...]

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Hospital Groups Urge Supreme Court to Review DSH Payment Case with 340B Implications

The Supreme Court of the United States building
Major hospital groups have asked the Supreme Court to review a case that challenges HHS' DSH payment formula.
Major hospital groups last week urged the U.S. Supreme Court to review a federal appeals court decision that upheld how [...]

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Hospital Groups Key 2024 Priorities Include Contract Pharmacy Protections Among Other 340B Goals

American Hospital Association seal on interior office wall
The American Hospital Association and other major hospital groups have placed multiple 340B program goals on their 2024 advocacy agendas.
Several national hospital groups name 340B contract pharmacy protections, among other 340B goals, in their 2024 advocacy priorities. The American [...]

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Broad Stakeholder Support for Senate Group of Six Draft 340B Overhaul

340B stakeholders that are often at odds expressed broad support for a draft of a 340B overhaul from a bipartisan group of six senators.
Recently released draft congressional legislation to reform the 340B program has drawn positive initial reactions from across the range of [...]

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340B Lobbying Reaches Record Levels in 2023

Jackson Hammond of the American Action Forum said financial pressure was a driver of PhRMA's increased lobbying efforts.
Lobbying on 340B issues reached a record level in 2023, according to annual tallies of congressional lobbying disclosures. That flurry [...]

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Potential Senate Flip May Increase 340B Scrutiny, But Congressional 340B Action Unlikely in 2024, Say 340B Advocate, Drug Industry Analyst

Michael McCaughan, co-founder of Provision Policy, spoke about drug pricing policy at the 340B Coalition Winter Conference.
Congress is unlikely to act on 340B in 2024, but a potential flip of the U.S. Senate could lead to [...]

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