Hawaii Lawmakers Urge State Health Department to Protect 340B

Hawaii legislators in the house and senate introduced resolutions that urged the state health department to act to protect the 340B program.
Influential Hawaiian state legislators have introduced resolutions that call on the state health department to “ensure continued access to affordable [...]

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California Ballot Initiative Targets Big 340B Provider Serving HIV Population

Tom Myers, general counsel for AHF, said a California ballot measure is intended as retaliation against the HIV/AIDS group.
A California ballot initiative aims to codify the California governor’s 2019 shift of the Medicaid program’s prescription drug benefit from [...]

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Maryland House Unanimously Passes 340B Contract Pharmacy Bill

Maryland is the sixth state with a 340B contract pharmacy bill to pass at least one legislative chamber this session.
The Maryland state house yesterday unanimously passed a bill that would prohibit drugmaker 340B contract pharmacy restrictions in the state. [...]

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News Alert

Mississippi House Passes 340B Contract Pharmacy Bill, Two Days After Senate Passes Similar Bill

The Mississippi House passed, 83-31, a bill that would prohibit drugmaker 340B contract pharmacy restrictions in the state.
The Mississippi state house yesterday passed a bill to bar drugmaker 340B contract pharmacy restrictions and certain 340B-specific pharmacy benefit [...]

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Mississippi Senate Unanimously Passes 340B Contract Pharmacy Bill After Similar Legislation Dies in Florida

The Mississippi state senate unanimously passed a bill to bar drugmaker 340B contract pharmacy restrictions and certain 340B-specific PBM policies.
The Mississippi Senate this week unanimously passed a bill to bar drugmaker 340B contract pharmacy restrictions and certain 340B-specific pharmacy [...]

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Column: Key Takeaways from the SUSTAIN 340B Act and Things to Consider When Weighing In (Part 2)

Ted Slafsky, publisher and CEO of 340B Report, writes the second part of his two-part column on the Senate "group of six" 340B discussion draft.
In February, the U.S. Senate bipartisan “Group of Six” released an eagerly anticipated discussion draft bill and a bill summary/request [...]

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News Alert

Long-Awaited Federal Bill to Protect Contract Pharmacy Arrangements Introduced

Doris Matsui
Rep. Doris Matsui (D-Calif.) introduced federal legislation to prohibit drugmaker 340B contract pharmacy restrictions.
Long-awaited federal legislation to bar drugmaker restrictions on 340B contract pharmacy arrangements was introduced today. The Mar 12 bill sponsored [...]

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Breaking News

In Key Decision That Could Have National Implications, Federal Appellate Court Upholds Arkansas 340B Contract Pharmacy Protection Law

Circuit Judge Michael Melloy of the U.S. 8th Circuit Court of Appeals wrote the opinion that upheld Arkansas' state 340B contract pharmacy law.
A federal appeals court today upheld an Arkansas law that prohibits drug manufacturer 340B contract pharmacy restrictions in the state. [...]

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As Conservative Media Campaign Continues, Hospital Group Demands Removal of Ads Linking 340B to Illegal Immigration

A 340B hospital trade group demanded local stations remove a dark money ad that links the 340B program to immigration growth.
A national hospital advocacy group “insists” multiple television stations remove a dark money group’s political ads alleging federal funding for [...]

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New Hampshire 340B PBM Bill Passes Senate

The New Hampshire House cleared a bill last week to prohibit certain 340B-specific pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) and health insurer policies.
The New Hampshire state senate last week passed a bill to bar certain 340B-specific pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) and payer [...]

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