Senate Democratic Whip Durbin: 340B Hasn’t Cut Pharma Profits Dramatically

Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL)
340B "hasn’t really cut the profits of the pharmaceutical companies dramatically,” U.S. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) said during a visit to a Chicago community health center.

The 340B program “is a really successful program and it hasn’t really cut the profits of the pharmaceutical companies dramatically,” U.S. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) said Friday during a visit to a Chicago-based community health center.

Durbin is

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340B Report Publisher and CEO: Is Hospital Transparency the Key to a Grand Bargain on 340B?

Handshake over table
Could hospitals' acceptance of 340B reporting requirements help end the fight over limits on 340B contract pharmacy and encroachment on providers’ 340B savings, 340B Report Publisher and CEO Ted Slafsky asks.

Could ending the fights over limits on 340B contract pharmacy and encroachment on providers’ 340B savings hinge on hospitals accepting 340B reporting requirements? 340B Report Publisher and CEO Ted Slafsky raises that provocative question in his monthly column for Verity

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Key Lawmaker Introduces Bill to Protect NY Health Centers and Clinics from “Hundreds of Millions” in Lost 340B Savings

New York state capitol building and plaza
A bill has been introduced in New York State to repeal the April 1 shift of state Medicaid managed care pharmacy benefits to Medicaid fee for service.

The chair of the New York Senate health committee has introduced legislation to repeal the April 1 shift of state Medicaid managed care pharmacy benefits to Medicaid fee for service. The state’s 340B health centers and Ryan White clinics say

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340B Hospital Transparency Bill Dies in Indiana

Indiana state capitol building
Legislation that included 340B hospital reporting requirements failed to advance in the Indiana legislature.

Legislation in Indiana that would have required hospitals to file annual reports disclosing their median reimbursement for 340B-priced drugs, along with numerous other financial disclosures, has failed to advance and has no chance of passage this year.

The wide-ranging hospital

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Iowa Tries Again to End Alleged PBM Bias Against 340B Providers and Pharmacies

Iowa State Capitol building
Iowa lawmakers are debating legislation to bar pharmacy benefit managers and insurers from using alleged discriminatory practices against 340B covered entities and their contract pharmacies.

Identical bills have been introduced in the Iowa House and Senate to bar pharmacy benefit managers and insurers from using alleged discriminatory practices against 340B covered entities and their contract pharmacies, including reimbursing them at a lower rate or imposing

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Connecticut’s Democratic Governor Wants Hospitals to Report 340B Earnings and Manufacturers to Resume 340B Pricing

A Connecticut state health agency under Gov. Ned Lamont (D) proposed legislation to implement certain 340B provider reporting requirements.

Connecticut’s Democratic governor wants his state’s 340B hospitals to start filing annual reports disclosing their 340B drug revenues and summarizing how they use the money to benefit their communities. Health centers and other 340B grantee covered entities would be exempt

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Baldwin, a 340B Entity Ally, Will Chair Senate Health Appropriations Subcommittee

Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI)
U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) is the new chair of the Senate Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Subcommittee.

U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.), who has a long track record of support for 340B covered entities, is the new leader of a Senate Appropriations subcommittee with influence over 340B policy.

Baldwin announced yesterday she will serve as chair

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340B Pricing May Be Coming to Contrast Agents, Radiopharmaceuticals, and OTC Monograph Drugs

Contrast media image of kidneys
Providers may get previously unavailable access to 340B pricing on contrast agents, radiopharmaceuticals, and OTC monograph drugs thanks to language in a a federal FY 2023 spending law.

Health care providers in the coming months may get previously unavailable access to 340B pricing on contrast agents, radiopharmaceuticals, and so-called “OTC monograph” drugs thanks to language tucked into the massive fiscal year 2023 federal spending bill signed into law

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Kansas Bill Targets 340B Contract Pharmacy Limits, Rhode Island Bill Targets PBM Policies

Aerial view of Kansas state Capitol building
A bill in Kansas would prohibit drug manufacturers from denying 340B covered entities access to a manufacturers’ products if the entities use contract pharmacies.

Kansas lawmakers have introduced a bill to prohibit drug manufacturers from denying 340B covered entities access to a manufacturers’ products if the entities use contract pharmacies.

The legislation, like bills recently rolled out in other states, is modeled on the

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Sanders, Asked About Abuse in 340B, Cites His Past Effort to End a Hospital’s Tax Exemption

Sen. Bernie Sanders speaking at a podium
Senate HELP chair Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) talked about taking away hospitals' tax-exempt status when he was asked during an interview about alleged hospital abuse of 340B.

U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), the new chair of the Senate committee that oversees the 340B program, recently answered a reporter’s question about alleged hospital abuse of 340B by noting that he tried to revoke a Burlington, Vt., hospital’s tax-exempt

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