Upcoming Federal Elections Will Significantly Impact 340B Legislative Agenda, Say 340B Hospital Lobbyist, Drug Industry Analyst

Tom O’Donnell, senior vice president of government relations at 340B Health, and Michael McCaughan, co-founder of Provision Policy, gave a July 10 address at the 340B Coalition summer conference.
The upcoming U.S. presidential and congressional elections will significantly alter the direction of 340B and broader healthcare policy, a 340B [...]

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Matsui’s 340B PATIENTS Act Gains 5 Democratic Co-Sponsors Ahead of 340B Health Lobby Days

U.S. Capitol building at sunrise
Five congressional Democrats signed on as co-sponsors to a bill that would bar drugmaker restrictions on 340B contract pharmacy arrangements.
As hospital advocates prepared to begin their annual summer visits to Capitol Hill this week, five congressional Democrats signed on [...]

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New Hampshire Enacts Law to Bar PBMs, Payers from ‘Discriminating Against’ 340B Providers

New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu (R) signed a law prohibiting certain 340B-specific policies by PBMs and payers.
New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu (R) yesterday signed a law prohibiting payers and pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) from “discriminating against [...]

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AbbVie, AstraZeneca Sue Minnesota Over Contract Pharmacy Access Law

AbbVie and AstraZeneca filed a pair of lawsuits to block Minnesota's law barring manufacturer 340B contract pharmacy restrictions.
Two major drug manufacturers are suing Minnesota to block a new 340B contract pharmacy access law, which took effect this [...]

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AbbVie, AstraZeneca Challenge Kansas’ New Contract Pharmacy Access Law

AbbVie will no longer offer voluntary 340B pricing on any of its orphan-designated drugs to covered entities subject to such exclusions.
Two major drug manufacturers this week sued Kansas in an effort to block the state’s new contract pharmacy access law, [...]

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Federal Judge Denies Drugmakers’ Bids to Block Mississippi’s New 340B Contract Pharmacy Access Law

U.S. District Judge Halil Ozerden denied separate motions from PhRMA and Novartis to block Mississippi’s 340B contract pharmacy access law.
A federal district judge has rejected two drug industry attempts to block Mississippi’s new state law prohibiting drugmaker 340B contract [...]

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Missouri GOP Lawmaker Slams State AG’s ‘Irresponsible’ Claims Linking 340B Bill to Abortion As Governor’s Decision Looms

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey (R) was rebuked by a GOP state lawmaker for linking a state 340B contract pharmacy bill to abortion.
Missouri Gov. Mike Parson (R) has less than two weeks to decide the fate of a 340B contract pharmacy access [...]

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Supreme Court ‘Chevron’ Ruling Increases Pressure on Congress to Act on 340B But Unlikely to Immediately Impact Program Oversight

Hospital groups are urging the Supreme Court to correct what they called HHS' misinterpretation of DSH percentage calculations.
A landmark Supreme Court decision to limit the broad regulatory authority of federal agencies will increase pressure for Congress to [...]

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California Hospital Association Pans ASAP 340B-Endorsed Bill, Encourages Congress to Support 340B PATIENTS Act

The California Hospital Association argued in a June 20 letter to the state’s congressional delegation that “core provisions” of the 340B Affording Care for Communities and Ensuring a Strong Safety-Net (340B ACCESS) Act “will reduce access to care for vulnerable populations.”
The California Hospital Association (CHA) is the latest organization to raise concerns about the 340B ACCESS Act, a bill recently [...]

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Key West Virginia Lawmaker Considering Legal Action Against Anti-340B PAC Taking Credit for his Election Loss

West Virginia Senate President Craig Blair (R), who also serves as the state’s lieutenant governor, told 340B Report that he’s weighing potential litigation against Stand for Us PAC, which has claimed credit for the GOP leader’s May 14 primary loss. (Photo courtesy: WV Senate.)
A prominent West Virginia Republican is considering taking legal action after a political action committee (PAC) reportedly spent $400,000-plus against [...]

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