Michigan Hospitals, Former Lawmaker Target State Contract Pharmacy Protection Bill Ahead of Summer Recess

Michigan Senate chamber
A bill that would enact contract pharmacy protections in Michigan has garnered renewed attention from 340B supporters and critics, alike, in the final days before the state’s legislature is set to recess for the summer.
A bill that would enact contract pharmacy protections in Michigan has garnered renewed attention from 340B supporters and critics, alike, [...]

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PhRMA Asks Federal Judge to Block Enforcement of Maryland’s New 340B Contract Pharmacy Access Law

PhRMA filed suit against Maryland's 340B contract pharmacy access law in a federal district court.
A powerful brand-name drug industry trade organization has asked a federal district judge to block Maryland from enforcing the state’s [...]

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Senate Companion Bill Introduced to Expand 340B Eligibility to Certain Rural, Outpatient Hospitals

Sen. Gary Peters (D-Mich.) introduced companion legislation to a House bill that would extend 340B eligibility to certain rural, emergency hospitals.
A U.S. senator introduced a bill to extend 340B eligibility to certain outpatient rural hospitals with emergency services, mirroring a [...]

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CBO Analysts Say Drug Spending Through 340B Grew 19% Annually From 2010 to 2021, 340B Champion Points Finger at Drug Industry

Congressional Budget Office logo
Spending on pharmaceuticals in the 340B drug discount program went from nearly $7 billion in 2010 to $44 billion by 2021—a 19% annual increase—according to preliminary Congressional Budget Office estimates released this week.
Spending on pharmaceuticals in the 340B drug discount program went from nearly $7 billion in 2010 to $44 billion by [...]

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GAO Reissues Recommendations to Improve 340B Compliance, Medicare Financial Stability

GAO office building
The Government Accountability Office this month recommended that HHS and Congress take long-proposed actions to better ensure 340B program compliance and Medicare’s financial stability.
HHS and Congress should each take long-proposed actions—including a contentious action to curb certain Part B prescribing incentives—to better ensure [...]

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Major Bipartisan Senate 340B Overhaul Could be Introduced by August

Legislation to overhaul the 340B program from a bipartisan group of six senators may be formally introduced by August.
A long-anticipated bipartisan Senate bill to overhaul the 340B program appears on track for introduction before Congress enters recess at [...]

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Group Representing Large Community Health Centers Slams 340B Bill Endorsed by NACHC and PhRMA  

Advocates for Community Health wordmark
The health center advocacy group behind a proposed 340B program alternative recently slammed the 340B ACCESS Act, saying the newly introduced drug discount program overhaul bill would make it harder for members to leverage the 340B program and care for patients.
The health center advocacy group behind a proposed 340B program alternative recently slammed the 340B ACCESS Act, saying the newly [...]

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Delaware House Passes 340B Contract Pharmacy Access Bill that Adds Reporting Requirements, Removes Protections for Hospitals

The Delaware House recently passed a 340B contract pharmacy access bill that removed protections for hospitals included in a previous version.
The Delaware House late last week overwhelmingly passed a bill to prohibit drugmaker 340B contract pharmacy restrictions on grantee covered [...]

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Despite Unanimously Passing Senate, Rhode Island Fails to Pass Contract Pharmacy Protection Bill 

A state Senate-passed bill that would have prohibited 340B contract pharmacy restrictions in Rhode Island failed to clear the House before lawmakers in the Ocean State wrapped up their 2024 session last week.
A state Senate-endorsed bill that would have prohibited 340B contract pharmacy restrictions in Rhode Island failed to clear the legislature [...]

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In Op-Ed for Prominent Local Publication, Virginia Health Center Leader Pans Governor for Vetoing State 340B Protection Bill

Tracy Douglas, CEO of the Virginia Community Healthcare Association, penned an op-ed criticizing the state governor's decision to veto a 340B contract pharmacy access bill.
A leading Virginia health center advocate published an op-ed late last week blasting Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) for choosing “Big [...]

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