Senate Democratic Chairs-in-Waiting Waste No Time Going to Bat for 340B Providers

The incoming Democratic chairs of two key U.S. Senate committees want the federal agency in charge of the 340B program “to take immediate action to clarify that implementation of a rebate model by [drug] manufacturers would violate a material condition

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Iowa’s U.S. Senators Meet With HHS Top Brass About Pharma’s 340B Moves

Iowa’s U.S. Senators Meet With HHS Top Brass About Pharma’s 340B Moves

Both of Iowa’s U.S. senators met yesterday with “top officials” at the U.S. Health and

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U.S. House Democrats and Republicans “Deeply Concerned” About 340B Rebate Model

U.S. House Democrats and Republicans “Deeply Concerned” About 340B Rebate Model

Update, Thursday Oct. 22, 2020, 2:45 p.m. EDT—Kalderos provided us with the following updated comment regarding members of Congress’ concerns about its 340B Pay platform to enable drug manufacturers

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Breaking News

BREAKING: Congressional GOP Committee Leaders Seek 340B Reform Ideas by Oct. 30

Congressional GOP Committee Leaders Seek 340B Reform Ideas by Oct. 30

The Republican chairman of the U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee and the

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More than Half of Health Care Industry Execs Expect 340B Reporting Requirements Within Five Years

A message from 340B Report Publisher and CEO Ted Slafsky: We are pleased to have a sponsored content article today from Michael Gonzalez, President and Lead Consultant, FQHC340B, a valued 340B Report sponsor. I encourage you to read it. We will

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Supreme Court ACA Overturn Could Cut Rural Hospitals from 340B, Gut HRSA Enforcement

Supreme Court ACA Overturn Could Cut Rural Hospitals from 340B, Gut HRSA Enforcement

U.S. Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death Sept. 18, and whether she is promptly replaced on the U.S. Supreme Court, could have a bearing on the 340B

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