A note from 340B Report Publisher and CEO Ted Slafsky: Today’s issue continues our ongoing series of articles by 340B Report sponsors that draw on their deep expertise. Click on the button below or reach me
…Category: Legislative
A note from 340B Report CEO and Publisher Ted Slafsky: Today’s issue continues our ongoing series of articles by 340B Report sponsors that draw on their deep expertise. Click on the button below or reach me
…A note from 340B Report CEO and Publisher Ted Slafsky: Today’s issue continues our ongoing series of articles by 340B Report sponsors that draw on their deep expertise. Click on the button below or reach me
…A note from 340B Report CEO and Publisher Ted Slafsky: Today’s issue includes the second in our ongoing series of articles by 340B Report sponsors that draw on their deep expertise. Click on the button below or reach me at
…340B Protections and Clarifications Sought in Next COVID-19 Relief Bill
Congress’ next COVID-19 relief bill should shield hospitals from losing 340B eligibility during the pandemic and clarify that providers can get 340B discounts on drugs prescribed via telehealth, America’s Essential
…Congress Is Starting to Ask About Drug Shortages Due to COVID-19
A member of the House Appropriations subcommittee on health has asked senior Trump administration health officials what they are doing about reports that demand for drugs necessary for
…New York State Poised to Cut 340B Providers’ Medicaid Drug Reimbursement, Could Other States Follow?
Editor’s note: Share Your COVID-19 Stories With Us
340B health care providers: Are you experiencing drug shortages or other challenges fulfilling your mission during the COVID-19 emergency? We’d like to hear about what you’re up against and possibly share
…Senate Stimulus Bill Would Put Space Between Health Centers and Funding Cliff
The Senate Republican economic stimulus bill released late yesterday would not give community health
…Editor’s note: The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) is expected to report to Congress tomorrow that 340B’s effects on Medicare Part B beneficiaries’ cost sharing is likely small and varied across patients. We’ll publish an article about the findings and