Federal Judge Denies Fla. Healthcare Providers’ Bid to Throw Out Gilead’s Suit Alleging 340B Fraud

A federal judge has denied a group of defendants’ motion to dismiss Gilead’s lawsuit against them alleging fraudulent 340B-related transactions of the company’s PrEP drugs.

A federal district judge in Florida has denied a group of defendants’ motion to dismiss Gilead’s lawsuit against them alleging fraudulent 340B-related transactions on the company’s HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis drugs Truvada and Descovy.

U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon of the

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AstraZeneca Court Ruling Means All Six of HRSA’s 340B Original Contract Pharmacy Violation Letters are Dead

After yesterday's court decision in AstraZeneca’s 340B contract pharmacy lawsuit, all six of HRSA's letters telling Astra, Lilly, Novartis, Novo Nordisk, Sanofi, and United Therapeutics that their actions are illegal are dead.

UPDATED Thursday, Feb. 17, 2022, 4:00 p.m. EDT—The U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) said this afternoon, “The 340B program is an essential component of the safety net system that helps make health care and prescription drugs more affordable

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Drug Makers Ask Judge Again to Dismiss 340B-Related Antitrust Charges

Insulin and diabetes drug manufacturers urged a federal judge again to dismiss 340B-related antitrust charges against them.

Insulin and diabetes drug manufacturers charged with federal and state price-fixing violations over their 340B contract pharmacy restrictions have again told a federal judge why they think she should dismiss the case.

AstraZeneca, Lilly, Novo Nordisk, and Sanofi filed their

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California Asks Judge to Dismiss 340B Health Centers’ Suit Challenging Medicaid Drug Payment Change

California says its consolidation of Medicaid prescription drug services under Medicaid fee for service (Medi-Cal Rx) does not deprive 340B health centers of revenue to which they are entitled.

California’s consolidation on Jan. 1 of all its Medicaid (Medi-Cal) prescription drug services under Medi-Cal fee for service does not violate federal law and does not deprive the state’s 340B health centers “of any reimbursement or revenue to which they

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Breaking News

Federal Judge Vacates HRSA’s Finding that AstraZeneca’s 340B Contract Pharmacy Policy Is Illegal

A federal district judge today struck down and vacated HRSA's May 2021 finding that AstraZeneca's 340B contract pharmacy policy violates the 340B statute.

A federal district judge in Wilmington, Del., today struck down and vacated the federal government’s finding that drug maker AstraZeneca’s conditions on 340B pricing when covered entities use contract pharmacies violates the 340B statute.

U.S. District Judge Leonard Stark of

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Federal Judge Approves Government’s Request to Pause Kalderos’ 340B Contract Pharmacy Lawsuit

Federal District Judge Dabney Friedrich has stayed proceedings in Kalderos' 340B contract pharmacy lawsuit until a federal appeal court rules on Friedrich's Nov. 5 joint ruling in Novartis and United Therapeutics’ (UT) 340B contract pharmacy suits.

A federal district judge on Friday granted the federal government’s motion to stay proceedings in drug industry vendor Kalderos’ 340B contract pharmacy suit.

The government had asked U.S. District Judge Dabney Friedrich of the District of Columbia to pause Kalderos’

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PhRMA and Arkansas Seek Faster Court Ruling on State’s Novel 340B Contract Pharmacy Law

PhRMA and the state of Arkansas have agreed on a plan that could lead the federal district court in Little Rock to rule sooner than now anticipated on the state’s law protecting 340B contract pharmacy arrangements.

The brand name drug industry and the state of Arkansas have agreed on a litigation plan that could lead to a quicker federal court decision than now anticipated on the state’s one-of-a-kind law protecting 340B contract pharmacy arrangements.

Pharmaceutical Research

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With Judge in Astra 340B Case About to Get Promotion, What Will Happen to the Highly Anticipated Case?

The U.S. Senate could elevate Leonard Stark, the federal judge who has presided over AstraZeneca’s 340B contract pharmacy lawsuit, to a federal appeals court as soon as the end of this week.

Leonard Stark, the federal judge who presided over AstraZeneca’s 340B contract pharmacy lawsuit from its start last year, is on the verge of being elevated to a higher court, possibly by the end of this week. If that happens before

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“Pharma Bro” Who Drew Ire of 340B Providers and Drug Industry Alike Barred from Pharmaceutical Industry for Life

A federal district judge imposed a lifetime ban against Martin Shkreli participating in the pharmaceutical industry and ordered him to pay $64.6 million to offset ill-gotten gains, stemming from his company's purchase of and huge price hike on the drug Daraprim.

A federal district judge on Friday held “pharma bro” Martin Shkreli liable for antitrust claims brought by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and seven states.

U.S. Senior District Judge Denise Cote of the Southern District of New York imposed a

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N.Y. State and Va. Health Centers Ask Fed. Judge to Let their 340B-Related Antitrust Suit Against Drug Makers Go on

New York state health center Mosaic Health and its co-plaintiff Central Virginia Health Services are opposing four insulin and diabetes drug manufacturers’ motion to dismiss their antitrust class action over the companies’ denials of 340B pricing when covered entities use contract pharmacies.

New York state and Virginia health centers on Friday asked a federal district judge to deny four insulin and diabetes drug manufacturers’ motion to dismiss the health centers’ antitrust class action over the companies’ denials of 340B pricing when covered

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