Breaking News

BREAKING: HHS’s Top Lawyer Says Pharma’s 340B Contract Pharmacy Actions Are at Odds with the Law

“Certain manufacturers’ newfound and unilateral refusal to sell [340B] drugs through contract pharmacies is at odds with the structure and intended operation of the [340B] statute,” HHS General Counsel Robert Charrow said in an advisory opinion late today. | Source:
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Trump Pardons Disgraced 340B Critic

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Breaking News

BREAKING: Health Centers Sue HHS Over Drug Company Denials of 340B Pricing

Health Centers Sue HHS Over Drug Company Denials of 340B Pricing

This is a developing story. Check the online version for possible updates.

The National Association of

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340B Hospitals Ponder Next Moves After U.S. Appeals Court Setback

A note from Publisher and CEO Ted Slafsky: I encourage you to read 340B Hudson Headwaters 340B President Jim Donnelly’s sponsored content article in today issue, on the challenges 340B stakeholders have faced over the last several months, and how

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Breaking News

BREAKING: Major Developments in 340B Hospital Lawsuit and in 340B Contract Pharmacy Dispute

U.S. Appeals Court Won’t Rehear Lawsuit Over Medicare Payment Cuts for Hospitals’ 340B-Purchased Drugs

The full U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit late this afternoon denied a motion to reconsider a three-judge panel’s

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Breaking News

BREAKING: HIV/AIDS Clinics Sue HHS Over Drug Manufacturers’ Denials of 340B Pricing

HIV/AIDS Clinics Sue HHS Over Drug Manufacturers’ Denials of 340B Pricing

(UPDATE Saturday Oct. 10, 2020, 9:20 a.m. EDT—The U.S. Health and Human Services Department (HHS) said

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