Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) has asked a federal judge to invalidate a federal regulation that would require drug makers, starting in January 2023, to include the full value of patient financial assistance in their Medicaid best price
…Category: Judicial
Drug manufacturers Eli Lilly and Sanofi late yesterday asked federal judges for temporary protection from federal health agency orders to immediately resume offering 340B pricing on drugs shipped to contract pharmacies. Drug maker Novo Nordisk is expected to seek similar
…A federal district judge in Wilmington, Del., this morning gave the federal government until 11:00 a.m. Eastern tomorrow to respond to AstraZeneca’s emergency motion yesterday for a stay in its lawsuit over the government’s efforts to compel it to resume
…Six drug companies have shown no sign so far of acquiescing to the federal government’s order on Monday to immediately resume 340B pricing on their products dispensed by contract pharmacies.
340B covered entities yesterday reported seeing no evidence that Eli
…The National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) and the U.S. Justice Department (DOJ) last night proposed that a federal district judge should maintain the stay in NACHC’s suit against the government stemming from drug manufacturers’ denials of 340B pricing
…While 340B hospitals eagerly await to see the Biden administration’s plans for Medicare Part B reimbursement, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) last night asked the U.S. Supreme Court to reject an effort by hospital groups to
…DOJ Cites 1996 HRSA Letter to PhRMA in Request to Dismiss Novo Nordisk’s 340B Contract Pharmacy Suit
Novo Nordisk’s claim that a federal legal advisory opinion on 340B contract pharmacy would make it unlawfully transfer its drugs to ineligible pharmacies and ineligible patients “is mere legerdemain” (slight of hand), government lawyers for U.S. Health and Human Services
…Drug manufacturer Eli Lilly yesterday asked a federal district judge in Indianapolis to schedule oral argument as soon as mid-June in its lawsuit challenging both a federal legal advisory opinion about 340B contract pharmacy and the 340B program’s new administrative
…The plain language of the 340B statute “explicitly requires drug manufacturers to offer 340B discounts to 340B covered entities regardless of whether the drugs are dispensed by the entity or by an outside pharmacy with which the entity has a