The 340B statute should be amended to extend discounts to emergency-use drugs to treat COVID-19 as a first step in rebuilding the COVID-19 safety net, an opinion piece published yesterday in the medical journal Health Affairs says.
…Category: Research/Reports
Pressure on Congress to clarify the 340B program is reaching unprecedented levels, health care attorneys at the Manatt law firm said during a webinar Wednesday on the future of the program.
Meanwhile, a new survey by the firm showed that
…Congress’ nonpartisan research office has issued a four-page backgrounder on litigation over the 340B contract pharmacy program and a two-pager on the entire drug discount program. They could be a sign that 340B hearings and/or bills are coming.
The Congressional
…More than 1,000 covered entities—double the number in May—are submitting 340B drug claims data to Second Sight Solutions’ 340B ESP platform to be able to keep dispensing manufacturers’ drugs to patients at multiple contract pharmacies, a senior 340B ESP leader
…Changing the 340B patient definition “might reduce hospitals’ and physicians’ incentives to consolidate,” but to what extent “remains highly uncertain,” the Congressional Budget Office says in a new policy analysis.
House Budget Committee Chair John Yarmuth (D-Ky.) asked CBO to
…Ryan White Clinics for 340B Access (RWC-340B), a national organization of 340B HIV/AIDS medical providers, has published a detailed rebuttal of several recently published articles criticizing the 340B program. RWC-340B accuses article authors—many of whom are supported by the drug
…340B disproportionate share hospitals (DSH) in 2020 spent 2.2 times more on outpatient drugs per commercially insured patient than non-340B DSH hospitals and 2.6 times more than other types of 340B hospitals, a new drug industry-funded study shows.
The …
A federal watchdog agency wants to know if 340B hospitals give low-income uninsured patients a break on drug prices at their contract and in-house pharmacies as part of the agency’s evaluation of a law that helps some hospitals forced out
…About 8.3% of people in the United States, or 27.2 million, had no health insurance at any point during 2021, down from an estimated 8.6%, or 28.3 million, in 2020, the U.S. Census Bureau reported Tuesday.
The National Center for
…The Commonwealth Fund, a well-respected think tank focused on promoting a high-performance and equitable healthcare system, published a primer on the 340B program last week, highlighting the program’s growth and the controversy its growth has sparked.
“We did the report