A new infographic by a drug industry consultant indicates it was created for the 340B Industry Roundtable—an apparently new 340B drug industry stakeholder group.

Is There a New 340B Stakeholder Group for Pharma Companies?

A new two-pager about the 340B program by drug industry consultant Berkeley Research Group (BRG) indicates it was created for the 340B Industry Roundtable—an apparently new 340B drug industry stakeholder group.

The infographic came to light Sunday. It includes data showing that total net sales at 340B price grew from $5.3 billion in 2010 to over $38 billion in 2020, and it projects that total net sales at 340B price will reach $197 billion in 2026. One in three brand drugs will be purchased at the 340B price by 2025, and 340B will be the largest federal drug program by 2026, it says.

The 340B Industry Roundtable logo is on the bottom of the first page. The bottom of the second page says the roundtable’s mission “is to promote better understanding about operations and developments related” to 340B and to “enable its members to make more efficient, competitive, and independent business decisions” about 340B “in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.”

BRG Managing Director Aaron Vandervelde declined a request to describe the roundtable in more depth. Vandervelde recently has conducted studies funded by Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) on the 340B program’s size and growth and on chain drug stores’ involvement in 340B as contract pharmacies. He also recently authored a study for Community Oncology Alliance (COA) on 340B hospitals’ role in oncology.

Vandervelde also is business development lead of Second Sight Solutions. Amgen, Boehringer Ingelheim, Lilly, Merck, Novartis, Sanofi, and UCB use Second Sight’s 340B ESP platform to administer their conditions on 340B pricing when covered entities use contract pharmacies.

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