Editor’s note, March 20, 2020: When we published Tweets of Note yesterday, we were unaware of health care economist’s Rena Conti’s March 14 reply to a critic’s tweet the same day. We have added it to this web version of
…Category: Research/Reports
Congressional Medicare Advisers Say 340B Has Minor Effect on Cancer Drug Spending and Patient Cost-Sharing
Do 340B drug discounts induce hospitals to furnish more-expensive drugs to treat cancer than they otherwise would, raising patients’ coinsurance obligations and the cost of
…Hospital Groups to OMB: Quash 340B Hospital Drug Acquisition Cost Survey
Groups representing 340B hospitals urged the White House yesterday to quash a planned survey due to
…Dear Friends and Colleagues,
In addition to my role as Founder of Wexford Solutions, I am very pleased to announce the launch of a new venture—340B Report. 340B Report is the only independent subscription news service that provides regular
…Think Tank to States: Use 340B to Reduce Drug Prices
States should do more to help hospitals and other providers enroll in the 340B program as a way to lower drug prices, a liberal think tank with ties to the
…CMS Takes Another Step Toward Collecting Hospitals’ 340B Acquisition Costs
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has taken another step toward requiring hospitals to let it see their 340B drug acquisition costs so CMS can base the hospitals’
…Hospital Group: GAO’s 340B Duplicate Discount Recommendations “Contrary to Federal Law”
Hospital group 340B Health yesterday swung back hard against a congressional watchdog agency’s recommendations for stricter federal policing of 340B duplicate discounts, calling them “misguided, unworkable, and contrary
…Another New Study of Differences in Cancer Drug Spending Could Have 340B Implications
On Friday, the nonpartisan Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) made headlines (see story below) when its staff said it could find no link between evidence of 340B
…Breaking News
Breaking: MedPAC Staff Unable to Link Higher Drug Spending at 340B Hospitals to Incentives Created by 340B Discounts
Breaking: MedPAC Staff Unable to Link Higher Drug Spending at 340B Hospitals to Incentives Created by 340B Discounts
Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) researchers were “unable to attribute” evidence of higher drug spending at 340B hospitals on two types of
…MedPAC Will Weigh in on Whether 340B Causes Hospitals to Use More Expensive Drugs
The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) will hear from its staff on Jan. 17 about whether the 340B program gives participating hospitals an incentive to