DSH Hospitals Are Using 340B in ‘Margin-Motivated Ways,’ Says Research Review

A recent Milbank Quarterly research review suggested DSH hospitals participate in 340B in "margin-motivated ways."
The highest-quality evidence from published 340B research indicates nonprofit, disproportionate share hospitals may be using the 340B program in margin-motivated [...]

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PhRMA Washington Post Advertorial Highlights Data Critical of 340B Program

A pharmaceutical industry advertorial in the Washington Post questioned whether the 340B program benefited hospital patients.
The leading advocacy group for pharmaceutical manufacturers recently published an advertorial in the Washington Post that highlights a range of [...]

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AHA Pans NEJM Study on 340B Price Mark Ups, Lead Author Fires Back

Aimee Kuhlman, vice president of advocacy and grassroots for AHA, co-wrote a blog post that criticized an NEJM study on 340B price mark ups.
The country’s largest hospital advocacy organization has leveled several challenges to a high-profile January study that concluded 340B hospitals had [...]

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340B Hospitals Had Largest Markups of High-Cost Infused Drugs: Study

A New England Journal of Medicine study found that 340B hospitals had larger price markups than other hospitals or physician practices for certain high-cost infusion drugs.
340B hospitals had larger price markups than other hospitals or physician practices for 57 high-cost infusion drugs, according to a [...]

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Critics of 340B Urge Congressional Reforms of the Program

Edolphus Towns, Jr., a former congressman (D-N.Y.) who voted to create the 340B program, recently wrote a guest editorial calling for congressional reforms.
Critics of the 340B program, including a former congressman who voted to create the program, have written recent editorials urging [...]

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340B Reforms Needed, Says Former Presidential Candidate, Drug Industry Consultant

Howard Dean, a former Democratic presidential candidate who has consulted for the drug industry, said the 340B program is in need of reforms.
The 340B program has become “a multibillion-dollar boondoggle for hospital mega-chains” and needs reform, says Howard Dean, a one-time Democratic [...]

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340B Provides Benefits, Needs Reform, Says Literature Review

A JAMA Health Network literature review found that the 340B program provides a range of benefits but needs reforms.
The 340B program has provided a range of benefits but also needs reforms, according to a recent review of published [...]

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340B’s Footprint in Medicare Part D Is Growing, Study Says

A JAMA Health Forum study co- authored by Sean Dickson found the 340B program's footprint in Medicare Part D is increasing.
340B covered entities captured nearly half (49.9%) of their 340B-eligible prescriptions billed to Medicare Part D in 2020, up from [...]

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Improved Non-Profit Hospital Outlook Helped by 340B Payout: Moody’s

Matt Cahil
The 340B program could have a big impact on not-for-profit hospital finances, said Matt Cahill, assistant vice president for Moody’s.
The 2024 outlook for not-for-profit hospital and health systems improved from negative to stable, in part, due to the planned [...]

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340B Hospitals Charge Higher Commercial Insurance Prices, Says PhRMA Funded Report

Neil Masia
Neil Masia, Ph.D., authored a Health Capital Group report that found 340B hospitals charge higher commercial insurance prices than non-340B hospitals.
The average hospital in the 340B program charges commercial insurers more than non-340B hospitals, according to a new report, which [...]

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