Merck Pitches Its Voluntary 340B Integrity Initiative to Providers as a Better Option than Audits

Merck said in letters to 340B covered entities this week that its approach to solving problems with 340B contract pharmacy transactions "is more streamlined—and less burdensome on covered entities, HRSA, and Merck—than undertaking individual manufacturer audits" of entities and their pharmacy partners.

Drug manufacturer Merck sent letters to 340B covered entities by email on Tuesday to provide background and answer questions about its request that entities voluntarily upload their contract pharmacy claims to a vendor’s software platform so they can be checked

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PhRMA: Providers Use 340B as “Slush Fund”

“We must stop abuses of the 340B program by covered entities who put profits before patients,” PhRMA spokesperson Nicole Longo says in the association's blog. | Shutterstock

The 340B program “attracts hospitals, clinics and for-profit pharmacies because it is easy for them to use the program as a slush fund to benefit their bottom lines, diverting money that could be used to help patients get better care

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News Flash: State Attorney General Orders Sanofi to Hand Over 340B Information

So far, none of the other drug companies denying or imposing conditions on 340B pricing on contract pharmacy drugs have publicly reported being subpoenaed by Vermont Attorney General T.J. Donovan.

Vermont State Attorney General T.J. Donovan (D) has issued a subpoena to drug manufacturer Sanofi “seeking certain information about Sanofi’s 340B program participation,” the company disclosed last week.

Neither Sanofi nor Donovan’s office have responded to requests for comment. Sanofi

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Orphan Drug Study’s Authors Say Findings May Warrant Lifting 340B Exemption

Humira, one of the 15 partial orphan drugs examined in the new study in Health Affairs, had $13.7 billion in sales in 2018.

More than 70 percent of U.S. spending on top-selling “partial orphan drugs”—drugs for rare diseases that also are approved to treat common diseases—is for non-orphan indications, a study in latest edition of Health Affairs concludes.

Makers of partial orphan drugs

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Generic Drug Manufacturer Posts 340B Refund Notice

Generic liquid drug manufacturer Pharmaceutical Associates, Inc. (PAI), has notified 340B covered entities on the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) website about 340B overcharges and potential credit/rebill repayments regarding all of its products covering the first through third

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AstraZeneca Tells Court HHS’s 340B Enforcement Poses “Imminent Irreparable Harm”

AstraZeneca told a federal judge that federal enforcement of 340B contract pharmacy requirements threatens it with "imminent, irreparable harm.” | Shutterstock

Drug manufacturer AstraZeneca on Friday asked the federal district judge in Delaware handling its 340B contract pharmacy lawsuit against the federal government either to issue a preliminary injunction in its favor or expedite court proceedings “to prevent imminent irreparable harm”

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PhRMA Slams 340B Hospitals in Report, AHA Returns Fire

The AHA contests PhRMA's conclusion in its new report that 340B program growth drives up drug costs for patients and employers.

The ability to generate profits through the 340B program prompts hospitals to buy physician practices and shift delivery of care to more costly hospital outpatient settings, driving up drug costs for patients and employers, Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America

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Drug Manufacturers GSK and Esperion Offering Refunds for 340B Overcharges

Glaxo Smith Kline has notified 340B covered entities about the availability of refunds for overcharges early in 2019. | Shutterstock

Drug manufacturer Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK) yesterday notified 340B covered entities on the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) website that it is offering refunds for overcharges on about two dozen NDCs during the first quarter of 2019.


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Generic Drug Manufacturer Hikma Providing Credits for 340B Overcharges

Hikma Pharmaceuticals USA, the U.S. division of U.K.-based generic drug manufacturer Hikma Pharmaceuticals plc, is crediting 340B covered entities for overcharges on a long list of NDCs from the fourth quarter of 2017 through the fourth quarter of 2020.


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Drug Companies Are Looking at Multiple Ways to Reduce their 340B Exposure

Drug manufacturer tactics to get a handle on 340B sales growth fall into three buckets: Strategic/legal approaches, claims-scrubbing and other operational capabilities, and “demand-side” ways to reduce exposure to 340B discounts. | Source: IQVIA

Some drug manufacturers have grabbed headlines and precipitated lawsuits for ending 340B pricing on drugs dispensed by contract pharmacies. But behind the scenes, drug companies also are investing in other ways to reduce their exposure to 340B program sales, which

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