Glaxo Smith Kline has notified 340B covered entities about the availability of refunds for overcharges early in 2019. | Shutterstock

Drug Manufacturers GSK and Esperion Offering Refunds for 340B Overcharges

Drug manufacturer Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK) yesterday notified 340B covered entities on the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) website that it is offering refunds for overcharges on about two dozen NDCs during the first quarter of 2019.

In the notice, dated Feb. 1, GSK said it “intends to refund any amount equal to or in excess of $100 (aggregate for all applicable NDCs) for the periods listed directly to the 340B Covered Entity of record. Separate correspondence including a check and details of the payment will be sent to the 340B Covered Entity.”

It added, “For 340B Covered Entities who may be owed less than $100 in aggregate or who have questions about the above-referenced recalculation for this period, GSK invites interested parties to contact it via email at, with a reference to the NDC and time period.”

Drug manufacturer Esperion Therapeutics yesterday notified 340B covered entities on the HRSA website that it is offering credits for overcharges on its non-statin cholesterol-lowering drugs Nexletol and Nexlizet during the second and third quarters of 2020. Esperion said it is working with the 340B prime vendor, Apexus, to issue the refunds.

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