Long time Apexus vice president Katheryne Richardson is Bristol-Myers Squibb's new 340B strategist.

Bristol-Myers Squibb Hires Apexus VP Richardson to Be its 340B Strategist

Katheryne Richardson, a long time Apexus vice president who was instrumental in launching its 340B University educational program and Apexus Answers call center, is moving to Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS) to become the drug manufacturer’s 340B program strategist.

Her move to the drug industry surprised some in the 340B provider community, who rely on Richardson for her guidance and input.

Richardson yesterday said she could confirm only that she was leaving Apexus at the end of the month, and would start a new position in the 340B space in June. Associates of Richardson said her new title at BMS is Executive Director, U.S. 340B Strategic Commercial Lead. According to a BMS job listing, in her new role Richardson “will be responsible for monitoring the external 340B environment and serving as the primary BMS voice to the external 340B community.”

Apexus, a nonprofit subsidiary of the group purchasing organization Vizient, has managed the 340B Prime Vendor Program under a series of competitively bid agreements with the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) since 2003. Richardson came to Apexus 10 years ago after serving 11 years at the American Pharmacists Association (APhA). While at APhA, she worked at the Pharmacy Services Support Center (PSSC), another HRSA 340B contractor that was managed by APhA and closed in the fall of 2012. When HRSA ended the  PSSC contract, its 340B call center, FAQs, and other technical assistance functions were inherited by the prime vendor.

Apexus President Chris Hatwig said Apexus plans to launch a national search to lead its compliance and education team. “Katheryne is one of the brightest minds in 340B,” Hatwig said. “Her knowledge, experience, and friendship have been a tremendous value to me and 340B Prime Vendor Program. While she will be missed at Apexus, we look forward to continuing to work with her in her new role in the 340B industry.”

“Katheryne is an asset to the 340B community and I’m excited for her next chapter,” said former PSSC leader Lisa Scholz, now Head of Industry Relations at Sentry Data Systems. Attorney William von Oehsen of Powers Law, a former president of the hospital group 340B Health, said Richardson “has always been our ‘go to’ person when safety net providers need guidance on complex issues” involving 340B.

Madeline Wallack of Rx|X Consulting, a 340B advisory firm that represents covered entities, said Richardson “has been one of the first people” she and her business partner Suzanne Herzog “call as a trusted source to work through questions and scenarios facing our clients. We wish her all the best, even though our hearts are a little heavy with this news.”

“For community health centers seeking to ensure compliance with 340B requirements, Katheryne was an invaluable partner,” said Colleen Meiman, national policy advisor for state and regional health center associations.


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