Arkansas Insurance Dept. to Rule Next Month on PhRMA’s Petition to Block Novel 340B Contract Pharmacy Law

An Arkansas Insurance Department hearing officer said last week she would decide by Oct. 13 whether to stay enforcement of a state law requiring drug manufacturers to honor 340B contract pharmacy arrangements.

An Arkansas Insurance Department hearing officer said last week she would decide by Oct. 13 whether to stay enforcement of a state law requiring drug manufacturers to honor 340B contract pharmacy arrangements pending resolution of a bevy of federal lawsuits

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Napo Pharmaceuticals Tells Entities How They Can Keep Getting 340B Price on Limited-Distribution Drug

Napo Pharmaceuticals has told covered entities how they can continue to buy Mytesi, an antidiarrheal for patients living with HIV/AIDS who take antiretroviral drugs, at its 340B price.

Napo Pharmaceuticals yesterday posted a public notice to 340B covered entities about how to obtain 340B pricing on Mytesi, an antidiarrheal for patients living with HIV/AIDS who take antiretroviral drugs.

Napo said in the notice on the U.S. Health

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In Largely Symbolic Move, Becerra Expresses “Strong Support” for 340B in Drug Pricing Plan

HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra yesterday expressed "strong support" for the 340B program in a drug pricing report to the White House, but recommended no changes to the program.

U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra yesterday reiterated HHS’ “strong support for the 340B Drug Pricing Program” in a 29-page plan to lower drug prices.

Becerra’s Sept. 9 report to White House domestic and economic policy counselors

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As Hospital Recertification Deadline Nears, 340B Eligibility Challenges Appear Not to Be Widespread for Now

The COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on hospitals’ eligibility for 340B could become an issue beginning later this year, industry observers say.

With the deadline for hospitals to recertify their eligibility for 340B drug discounts arriving on Monday, it appears most facilities will remain qualified—at least for now.

Industry observers say the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on hospitals’ eligibility for 340B could become

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HRSA Grants 340B Flexibilities to N.J. and N.Y. Due to Hurricane

Federal health officials yesterday added New Jersey and New York to the list of states granted 340B enrollment flexibility due to Hurricane Ida.

Federal health officials have added New Jersey and New York to the list of states granted 340B enrollment flexibility due to Hurricane Ida.

The U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) posted the notice about the East Coast states’ addition

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Hearing Friday on PhRMA’s Push to Quash First State Law to Protect 340B Contract Pharmacy Program

Arkansas Insurance Commissioner Alan McClain temporarily suspended his state's new 340B contract pharmacy law pending a review of its constitutionality.

The Arkansas Insurance Department is holding a public hearing this Friday morning on whether it should strike down as unconstitutional the nation’s first state law to address pharmaceutical manufacturer denials of 340B pricing on drugs when they are dispensed by

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After HRSA Notification, NACHC Refiles 340B Dispute Complaints Against Drug Manufacturers

Community health centers split their 340B dispute resolution petition against drug manufacturers Eli Lilly, Sanofi, and AstraZeneca into two—one against Lilly alone, the other against Sanofi and AstraZeneca together.

Community health centers on Tuesday split their 340B dispute resolution petition against drug manufacturers Eli Lilly, Sanofi, and AstraZeneca into two—one against Lilly alone, the other against Sanofi and AstraZeneca together—to let federal officials commence proceedings against Sanofi and AstraZeneca.

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Medicare Trustees Say Part B Drug Payments Will More than Double by 2030

The Medicare Board of Trustees expects Part B reimbursement for physician-administered drugs will more than double to $46.2 billion by 2030.

Medicare Part B reimbursement for physician-administered drugs is projected to rise from $18.7 billion in 2020 to $21.7 billion this year, and then to more than double to $46.2 billion by 2030, the Medicare Board of Trustees reported to Congress

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In Hurricane Ida’s Wake, HRSA Announces 340B Registration Flexibility in Louisiana and Mississippi

In light of Hurricane Ida, Louisiana and Mississippi health care providers eligible to participate in the 340B program may enroll immediately rather than having to wait until the next quarterly registration period Oct. 1 through 15.

Louisiana and Mississippi health care providers eligible to participate in the 340B program may enroll immediately rather than having to wait until the next quarterly registration period Oct. 1 through 15, the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) announced

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HRSA Veteran Herzog to Oversee 340B Program as Agency Begins Search for New OPA Director

Michelle Herzog, the new acting director of HRSA's 340B drug pricing program, speaks at the 2015 340B Coalition summer conference.

Michelle Herzog, long-time second-in-command at the U.S Health Resources and Services Administration’s Office of Pharmacy Affairs (OPA), has taken charge as OPA director on an acting basis.

A HRSA spokesperson confirmed yesterday morning that Herzog will oversee OPA temporarily now

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