(Editor’s note: The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) tomorrow will consider a staff analysis of “whether the availability of 340B drug discounts creates incentives to choose more expensive products in some cases and the resulting impact on Medicare patients’ cost-share
…Category: Regulatory
Breaking News
BREAKING: GAO Says HRSA Should Strengthen Oversight Over Private-Nonprofit Hospitals’ 340B Eligibility
BREAKING: GAO Says HRSA Should Strengthen Oversight Over Private-Nonprofit Hospitals’ 340B Eligibility
The Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA) oversight of 340B private, nonprofit hospitals should be significantly strengthened, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) found in a report released
…Breaking News
BREAKING: States Can Limit Providers’ Use of 340B Drugs for Medicaid Patients, CMS Says
BREAKING: States Can Limit Providers’ Use of 340B Drugs for Medicaid Patients, CMS Says
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services released policy guidance yesterday outlining “best practices” states should consider for avoiding duplicate Medicaid rebates and 340B discounts
…Breaking News
BREAKING: Drugmaker Xspire Owes 340B Refunds
Welcome to the pilot issue of 340B Report. We’re so glad to have you aboard! And now, let’s get to the news.
BREAKING: Drugmaker Xspire Owes 340B Refunds
Xspire Pharma, a privately held, specialty pharmaceutical company, owes refunds