Five More Providers Owe Drugmakers 340B Repayment: Audits

HRSA building and signage
HRSA confirmed it will end a pandemic-era waiver program that allowed 340B drug use in certain offsite hospital locations.
A total of 16 covered entities (CEs) owe repayment to drugmakers, five more than reported a month ago, according to [...]

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Most 340B DSH Hospitals Provide Below-Average Charity Care, Says Analysis Backed by Critics

Bob Dold, a spokesperson for AIR340B, said the 340B program "has not translated into a stronger safety-net” after a drug industry backed analysis found 340B DSH hospitals provide below-average charity care.
The majority of 340B disproportionate share hospitals (DSH) provide charity care at lower rates than the national hospital average, found [...]

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Paper Warns on Duplicate Discounts from 340B Ceiling Price, Medicare Maximum Price

An Avalere study suggested 340B duplicate discounts could increase as a result of Medicare drug price negotiations.
Timelines for manufacturers to provide new Medicare “maximum fair prices” (MFPs) and 340B ceiling prices on drugs are misaligned, risking [...]

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Eisai’s New 340B Contract Pharmacy Restrictions to Exclude Arkansas and Louisiana

Eisai contract pharmacy
Drugmaker Eisai's 340B hospital contract pharmacy restrictions will not apply to Arkansas and Louisiana providers.
Japanese pharmaceutical manufacturer Eisai will not limit hospital 340B contract pharmacy use in Arkansas and Louisiana after its new contract [...]

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New BMS Contract Pharmacy Policy May Target Hospital Self-Distribution, Say Attorneys

Bill Von Oehsen
William von Oehsen, principal at the law firm Powers, said the SUSTAIN ACT is "not going to live or die based on the user fee."
Drugmaker Bristol Myers Squibb added new language to its latest 340B contract pharmacy policy notice, which appears to target hospital [...]

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Novo Nordisk Files Suit to Block $100,000 Arkansas Fine for 340B Contract Pharmacy Violations

Novo Nordisk logo on building
Novo Nordisk and the Arkansas Insurance Department are at odds over whether a federal district court should intervene in the enforcement of Arkansas' 340B contract pharmacy law.
Danish drug giant Novo Nordisk filed suit Thursday to stop a proposed $100,000 fine from Arkansas over alleged violations of [...]

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HRSA Audit Finds Fourth Drugmaker Owes Refunds

Drugmaker RedHill Biopharma owes repayments to 340B covered entities, a finalized HRSA audit found.
A fourth drugmaker owes repayment to 340B covered entities, according to final audits posted this week by federal officials. RedHill [...]

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Astellas Ends 340B Contract Pharmacy Restrictions in Arkansas and Louisiana

Astellas Pharma
Astellas is the third drugmaker to loosen or end its 340B contract pharmacy restrictions in Arkansas and Louisiana in response to state laws.
Drugmaker Astellas has ended its 340B contract pharmacy restrictions in both Arkansas and Louisiana in response to state laws that [...]

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Drugmaker Overcharge Fines for 340B Drugs Reach Nearly $7,000

Drugmaker overcharge fines, which the Department of Health and Human Services assesses, recently increased to nearly $7,000.
The federal fine for each instance of drugmaker overcharges for 340B covered entities recently increased to nearly $7,000. The fine [...]

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Two Drugmakers Post Refund Notices on HRSA Website

Drugmakers Noven and Granules each owe refunds to 340B providers, according to notices posted on HRSA's Office of Pharmacy Affairs website.
Noven Pharmaceuticals and Granules Pharmaceuticals owe refunds to 340B providers, according to notices posted on the Health Resources and Services [...]

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