Private Oncologist Group-Funded Study Models Effects of Using CMS’s Controversial 2020 340B Hospital Drug Cost Survey

Screenshot of Avalere web page
A new study models what would happened in 2023 if Medicare paid 340B hospitals for physician administered drugs based on a survey of those hospitals’ drug acquisition costs taken during the COVID pandemic’s darkest days in 2020.

Private practice oncologists have paid for a study to model what would happened in 2023 if Medicare paid 340B hospitals for physician administered drugs based on a survey of those hospitals’ drug acquisition costs taken during the COVID pandemic’s darkest

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Merck Providing Refunds for 340B Overcharges During Q4 2019, Q3 2021, and Q2 2022

Merck wordmark on company building
Merck is providing refunds for 340B overcharges during Q4 2019, Q3 2021, and Q2 2022.

Drug manufacturer Merck is providing refunds for charges above 340B ceiling prices on 23 NDCs purchased during Q4 2019, Q3 2021, and Q2 2022.

The U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration posted Merck’s Nov. 21 notice about the repayments on

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340B Registration for First Quarter of 2023 Will Run from Jan. 1 to Jan. 17

Image of pen and clipboard with medical cross symbol
The first quarter 2023 registration period for covered entity enrollment in 340B will begin Jan. 1 and end Jan. 17.

The U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration has slightly adjusted the dates of the first of four periods in 2023 during which eligible entities may register themselves, their child sites, and their contract pharmacies to participate in the 340B program.

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Novo Nordisk Announces Third Round of 340B Refunds This Year

Novo Nordisk wordmark on building facade
Novo Nordisk for the third time this year has announced refunds for 340B overcharges due to revisions of Medicaid pricing data.

Drug manufacturer Novo Nordisk for the third time this year has announced refunds for 340B overcharges due to revisions of Medicaid pricing data.

The U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration posted the company’s notice to covered entities on its website

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RWC-340B Assessing Dispute Resolution Proposed Rule’s Impact on Its Lawsuit and Current Dispute Resolution Petition

Ryan White Clinics-340B wordmark
RWC-340B is assessing how HRSA's proposed new 340B dispute resolution process would affect the group's ongoing dispute with AstraZeneca and ongoing lawsuit against HRSA and HHS.

Ryan White Clinics for 340B Access told a federal district judge last week it needs time to assess how proposed new 340B administrative dispute resolution regulations, if finalized, could affect the 340B overcharging claims it brought against AstraZeneca under the

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340B Dispute Resolution Proposed Rule Would Eject CMS Staff and HHS Lawyers from Process and Put OPA in Charge

graphic image of people in business attire with one announced as the winner
The Biden administration wants major changes to the 340B program administrative dispute resolution process, including giving OPA the only votes on ADR panels.

As we were the first to report on Tuesday morning, the Biden administration has proposed major changes to the 340B program administrative dispute resolution process, including stripping the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services and the Department of Health and

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Provider Groups Cite Inaction on 340B Pricing Denials in Their Reactions to Dispute Resolution Proposal

Screenshot of HRSA ADR notice
HRSA posted a notice about its proposed rule to revamp the 340B administrative dispute resolution process on the Office of Pharmacy Affairs homepage.

Groups that represent 340B covered entities said they looked forward to studying the federal government’s proposal Tuesday to revamp the 340B administrative dispute process. But they expressed concern that drug manufacturers still are not being punished for denying 340B pricing

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Local Community Group Continues Late Congressman’s Push for 340B Hospital Oversight

Rep. A. Donald McEachin (D-VA) headshot
U.S. Rep. A. Donald McEachin (D-Va.), who began an inquiry into alleged 340B program misuse involving a hospital in his district, died from complications of colorectal cancer Monday.

A Richmond, Va., citizen’s group is continuing the fight against a health system accused of 340B program misuse at a hospital in a low-income, majority Black neighborhood in the wake of the death of U.S. Rep. A. Donald McEachin (D-Va.),

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HHS Enlists Health Centers in Six-Week COVID Vaccine Drive, GOP Leaders Question Funding and Priorities

Elderly patient receives a Covid vaccination
HHS is giving health centers $350 million in unused COVID-19 provider relief funds to increase vaccinations in underserved communities.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) said last week it would apply $350 million in unused monies from the COVID-19 Provider Relief Fund to launch a new initiative aimed at increasing COVID-19 vaccinations in underserved communities. 


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BREAKING: HRSA Proposes Streamlined, Less Trial-like 340B Dispute Resolution Process

Screenshot of HRSA, HHS 340B ADR document
HRSA this morning released its proposed replacement for its December 2020 340B administrative dispute resolution final rule.

The U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration this morning proposed a replacement for its two-year-old 340B administrative dispute resolution process. Comments are due Jan. 30.

“HRSA has encountered policy and operational challenges with implementation of the

2020 final rule,” the

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