Larry Crowder, Vice President, 340B Solutions, Cervey

Larry Crowder
Q: Where did you grow up?

Houston, TX

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Key Considerations to Reduce Impact of Contract Pharmacy Restrictions


Confucius once said that “roads were made for journeys, not destinations.” Hudson Headwaters has been at the forefront of the 340B journey for 20 years while continuously leveraging field-driven experience to help clients effectively navigate and manage their 340B involvement. Our goal is to prevent the 340B program model from reaching an

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Referral Prescription Capture Drives Significant 340B Savings Enhancing 340B’s Mission



Establishing a referral prescription capture program enables covered entities to broaden the reach of their 340B Drug Discount Program. Referral prescription capture can occur when patients of the covered entity utilize external specialists who are outside of the health system’s physician network.

Monitoring these opportunities

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A Q&A with Two 340B Industry Experts About the Importance of Innovation and a Competitive Edge


The word “innovation” gets tossed around so much these days that we almost forget its meaning—the introduction of new and different ideas for out-of-the-box problem solving that have meaningful impacts. Yet, innovation is different in every industry, and it’s essential in a field as complex as 340B.

To get a handle on

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340B Covered Entities: Are You Ready for the Changes to Gilead’s Advancing Access Program?


This strategy could save the 340B proceeds at your organization

Today, underinsured or uninsured patients who are undergoing treatment with a Gilead HIV treatment or preventative medication may be eligible to receive those medications at no cost through Gilead’s Advancing Access program. Under this program, covered entities are able to receive

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Five Strategies to Optimize Your Specialty Pharmacy Program


While specialty drugs were used by less than 2% of the population in 2020, “they accounted for almost 51% of spending under the pharmacy benefit.”[1] Within your 340B program, these numbers can be even higher. On average, we see about six percent of volume resulting in close to fifty percent of savings

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Michael Yount, CEO, Avita

Michael Yount
Q: Where did you grow up?

Conway, Pennsylvania (approximately 20 miles NW of Pittsburgh). I bleed black and gold – yes, I even cheer for the Pirates!

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Key Questions 340B Providers Should Ask When Choosing a TPA


Program integrity is crucial to the management of a covered entity’s 340B operations.  Key components include knowing what is expected of the covered entity and having the right questions to ask your third party administrator about their practices and software.  The purpose of this article is to highlight valuable objectives to have

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3 Requirements for Exceptional Specialty Pharmacy Patient Satisfaction


The Net Promoter Score® (NPS) offers an objective measurement of what is arguably one of healthcare’s most critical—but subjective—areas of focus: patient satisfaction. It is a cross-industry standardized index designed to measure people’s willingness to recommend a company’s products or services to others. While traditional customer satisfaction surveys usually measure a

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Kelly Kolker, President, 340B Solutions, CPS

Kelly Kolker
Q: Where did you grow up?

Born and raised in the great state of Iowa, and I still live here.  It is a fantastic place to raise a family.

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