House Subcommittee to Examine GOP Drug Shortages Bill with 340B Provisions

House Committee on E&C wall plaque
The House Energy & Commerce Health Subcommittee will review a draft drug shortages bill with 340B program implications.
A Sept. 14 House subcommittee hearing will review draft legislation, which would exclude certain generic drugs from the 340B program [...]

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Coming Major GOP Healthcare Package Includes 340B Medicaid Provisions

The House Appropriations Committee approved the Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies Appropriations Act on July 10.
Republican House leaders were expected introduce—as soon as Sept. 8—and quickly advance a combined package of healthcare bills that includes [...]

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Little Chance Congress Clears 340B Overhaul in 2023—Unless Courts Act, Say Lobbyists

Capitol building
Key House Republicans on Tuesday introduced long-awaited—and contentious—legislation to overhaul the 340B program.
Congress is unlikely to clear any major reform of the 340B in the remaining months of 2023, unless spurred by [...]

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Boehringer Ingelheim Sues to Block Medicare Price Negotiations

Boehringer Ingelheim headquarters
Boehringer Ingelheim sued the federal government to block Medicare price negotiations shortly before its diabetes drug was picked for negotiations.
Drug maker Boehringer Ingelheim (BI) sued the federal government to block Medicare price negotiations shortly before the Department of Health [...]

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Lawmaker Sponsoring 340B Transparency Bill Honored by PhRMA-Provider Group

Buschon ASAP 340B award
Rep. Larry Bucshon (R-Indiana) received the "Saving America’s 340B Program Leadership Award" award from ASAP 340B.
The congressional sponsor of legislation that would require hospitals and potentially other covered entities to publicly report their 340B revenue, [...]

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HHS Announces First 10 Drugs Eligible for Medicare Price Negotiations

CMS headquarters
CMS issued the final rule to implement a $9 billion lump sum payment to 340B hospitals for previous illegal cuts between 2018 and 2021.
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) today announced the first 10 prescription drugs eligible for Medicare price negotiations [...]

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Health Center Leaders Urge Boards to Push State, Federal Support of 340B

CHI Expo
The National Association of Community Health Centers’ CHI and Expo addressed the advocacy role of health center boards of directors.
The boards of directors of health centers need to take on a bigger advocacy role in support of the 340B [...]

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AHA Urges Dropping Bill Language to Exclude Generic Injectables from 340B

American Hospital Association logo
AHA recently raised “serious concerns” about a spring MedPAC analysis.
The nation’s largest hospital advocacy organization urged legislators to drop a provision from draft legislation that would exclude generic injectables [...]

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340B Lobbying Activity Experiences Historic Surge

Capitol building
Key House Republicans on Tuesday introduced long-awaited—and contentious—legislation to overhaul the 340B program.
The hiring of lobbyists in the congressional legislative fight over 340B was dominated by pharmaceutical firms and provider-manufacturer alliances in [...]

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Let For-Profit Hospitals Into 340B, Trade Association Tells Senators

Federation of American Hospitals logo
The Federation of American Hospitals has asked six U.S. senators to let for-profit hospitals join the 340B program.
Congress should let for-profit hospitals into the 340B drug pricing program as “a long overdue evolutionary step” that will advance [...]

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