Breaking News

BREAKING: Kalderos Wants to Give Drug Manufacturers a Way to Pay 340B Rebates in Lieu of Discounts

Kalderos Wants to Give Drug Manufacturers a Way to Pay 340B Rebates in Lieu of Discounts

Prescription drug information technology company Kalderos announced today it is launching a platform called 340B Pay on Sept. 8 “to facilitate 340B discounts

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340B Supply Chain Partners Push Back Against Manufacturer Contract Pharmacy Requests

Note from Publisher and CEO Ted Slafsky: We are pleased that Bronwyn Mixter is filling in for Tom Mirga for the next two weeks while Tom takes a late summer break. Bronwyn is a veteran health care reporter who covered

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Breaking News

BREAKING: Novartis the Latest to Seek 340B Contract Pharmacy Claims Data

A Message from Publisher and CEO Ted Slafsky: I hope all is well. For now, we have more requests for 340B Report sponsorships than space available. Fortunately, we are creating a new website and newsletter platform that will accommodate our growing

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Breaking News

BREAKING: AstraZeneca Raises the Ante in Drug Industry Push Against 340B Contract Pharmacy

AstraZeneca Raises the Ante in Drug Industry Push Against 340B Contract Pharmacy

Drug manufacturer AstraZeneca today sent letters to 340B covered entities and its wholesale pharmacy contacts telling them that, effective Oct. 1, it

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A Closer Look at Democratic VP Choice Harris’s Positions on the 340B Program

A Message from Publisher and CEO Ted Slafsky: Please join us in welcoming AllianceRx Walgreens Prime as the newest 340B Report sponsor. We are very pleased to have them on board. For now, we have more requests for sponsorships than space

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Health Centers Seek Meeting With Merck About its 340B Contract Pharmacy Data Request

A Message from Publisher and CEO Ted Slafsky: I encourage you all to read today’s sponsored content article from SPARx, a division of Comprehensive Pharmacy Services, about the importance of relationships with key stakeholders in hospital-based specialty pharmacy. The ability

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Hospitals Slam Proposal to Deepen Medicare Payment Cuts for 340B Drugs

Hospitals Slam Proposal to Deepen Medicare Payment Cuts for 340B Drugs

National hospital associations slammed the Trump administration’s proposal Tuesday to deepen Medicare Part B drug reimbursement cuts for 340B hospitals, saying the move would defy congressional intent and threaten

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After Big Win in Court, CMS Proposes Cutting 340B Drug Payments Even More

After Big Win in Court, CMS Proposes Cutting 340B Drug Payments Even More

Fresh off a major federal appeals court win, the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) proposed this morning to cut Medicare Part B payments

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Could CMS Follow Up 340B Court Victory with Deeper Cuts for Hospitals?

Could CMS Follow Up 340B Court Victory with Deeper Cuts for Hospitals?

Yesterday’s federal appeals court ruling upholding the Trump administration’s nearly 30 percent cut in 340B hospitals’ Medicare Part B drug reimbursement raises the question of what to expect

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BREAKING: U.S. Appeals Court Upholds Deep Cuts in 340B Hospitals’ Medicare Part B Drug Reimbursement

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U.S. Appeals Court Upholds Deep Cuts in 340B Hospitals’ Medicare Part B Drug Reimbursement

The Trump administration’s nearly 30 percent cut since 2018 in 340B hospitals’ drug reimbursement under the hospital outpatient prospective payment system

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