Congress Is Starting to Ask About Drug Shortages Due to COVID-19

Congress Is Starting to Ask About Drug Shortages Due to COVID-19

A member of the House Appropriations subcommittee on health has asked senior Trump administration health officials what they are doing about reports that demand for drugs necessary for

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Telehealth Is Becoming the New Normal. What Does it Mean for 340B?

Telehealth Is Becoming the New Normal. What Does it Mean for 340B?

Before last month, odds are good you never had a doctor’s visit via computer or smartphone. The COVID-19 pandemic is likely to change that. Many predict this will

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HRSA Relaxes Policy on GPO Prohibition During COVID-19 Pandemic

Editor’s Note: Share Your COVID-19 Stories With Us

340B Report would like to hear from 340B hospitals, health centers, grantees, and others about the challenges you’re facing fulfilling your missions during the COVID-19 emergency. We are particularly interested in

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HRSA Answers More Questions About 340B Compliance During Pandemic

HRSA Answers More Questions About 340B Compliance During Pandemic

The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) explained on its website yesterday how it will deal with 340B program requirements regarding telehealth, site registration, patient definition, the hospital group purchasing

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All Indications Are CMS Plans to Launch its 340B Drug Acquisition Survey on Monday

Editor’s note, March 20, 2020: When we published Tweets of Note yesterday, we were unaware of health care economist’s Rena Conti’s March 14 reply to a critic’s tweet the same day. We have added it to this web version of

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For Now, HRSA Doesn’t Plan to Change Its April 340B Registration Period

For Now, HRSA Doesn’t Plan to Change Its April 340B Registration Period

With health care providers bracing for COVID-19’s full force, the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) at this time does not plan

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HRSA Tells COVID-19 Responders Concerned About 340B Compliance to Contact it Directly

HRSA Tells COVID-19 Responders Concerned About 340B Compliance to Contact it Directly

The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) is advising health care providers concerned about whether

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Congressional Medicare Advisers Say 340B Has Minor Effect on Cancer Drug Spending and Patient Cost-Sharing

Congressional Medicare Advisers Say 340B Has Minor Effect on Cancer Drug Spending and Patient Cost-Sharing

Do 340B drug discounts induce hospitals to furnish more-expensive drugs to treat cancer than they otherwise would, raising patients’ coinsurance obligations and the cost of

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HRSA: 340B Dispute Resolution Will Stay on Hold Until We Get Broader Regulatory Authority

Editor’s note: The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) is expected to report to Congress tomorrow that 340B’s effects on Medicare Part B beneficiaries’ cost sharing is likely small and varied across patients. We’ll publish an article about the findings and

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