340B Prime Vendor Apexus and AIDS Healthcare Foundation Are Trying to Settle Lawsuit Over Sub-Ceiling Price Discounts

AIDS Healthcare Foundation and Apexus
AHF has asked a federal appeals court to reverse an earlier court's decision to dismiss a case against Apexus over its provision of 340B sub-ceiling price discounts on drugs.
Apexus, the federally contracted 340B prime vendor, and AIDS Healthcare Foundation are meeting with a mediator to try to settle [...]

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340B Issues Remain Unresolved in Latest CMS Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Guidance

CMS said in its latest Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Program guidance it still working on a process to allow manufacturers to avoid providing a 340B price and a negotiated fair price for the same drug.
The latest guidance to implement first-time drug price negotiation under Medicare said federal officials still are looking for a process [...]

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Top Republican on Senate HELP Committee Calls for 340B Transparency and Accountability Action

Bill Cassidy
U.S. Senate HELP Committee ranking Republican Bill Cassidy (La.) said in an op-ed today that Congress should “increase 340B transparency and accountability to preserve the intent of the program.”
U.S. Sen Bill Cassidy (La.), the top Republican on the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee, said in an [...]

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Group Seeking New 340C Program for Grantees and Rural Hospitals Is Ramping Up Advocacy

More than 100 health centers and groups have signed a letter to Congress supporting the 340C initiative.
The national health center group promoting 340C—a proposed alternative to the 340B drug pricing program for health centers, federal grantees, [...]

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NRHA Launches New 340B Policy and Advocacy Campaign

Rural hospital
The National Rural Health Association has intensified its 340B advocacy work with a new congressional campaign and set of policy principles.
The National Rural Health Association has intensified its 340B advocacy work with a new congressional campaign and set of policy [...]

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U.S. Rep. Matsui Expected to File 340B Contract Pharmacy Bill in Connection with 340B Conference

Doris Matsui
Rep. Doris Matsui (D-Calif.) introduced federal legislation to prohibit drugmaker 340B contract pharmacy restrictions.

A bill amending the 340B statute to explicitly require drug makers to unconditionally sell and deliver 340B drugs dispensed by contract pharmacies is expected to be introduced just before or during the 340B Coalition summer conference July 10-12 near Washington,

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Hospital Groups to CMS: Don’t Rob Some Hospitals to Repay 340B Hospitals for Your Illegal Drug Payment Cuts

AHA and NRHA both urged the Biden administration not to claw back Medicare payments from some hospitals to pay for the remedy for illegal drug payment cuts for 340B hospitals.

Two hospital groups separately urged Biden administration officials this month to not divert funding from non-340B hospitals and some 340B hospitals in order to repay other 340B hospitals for almost five years’ worth of illegal Medicare Part B drug payment

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Health Center Invokes 340B Contract Pharmacy Ruling in Key 340B Patient Definition Federal Lawsuit

Genesis Health Care
South Carolina health center Genesis Health Care told a federal court that HRSA lacks authority to enforce its 1996 340B patient definition and misinterpreted congressional intent about who is a 340B eligible patient.

Federal health care officials can’t make a South Carolina health center obey their reading of the 340B patient definition for the same reason a federal appeals court said in January that the officials can’t force drug manufacturers to deliver 340B

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PhRMA and Bristol Myers Squibb Sue Separately To Stop Medicare Drug Price Negotiation

US District Court Austin, Texas
PhRMA filed suit in federal district court in Austin, Texas, to strike down legislation letting Medicare negotiate some drug prices.

Drug industry trade group Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America and drug manufacturer Bristol Myers Squibb have filed separate federal lawsuits to stop Medicare from negotiating the prices of some drugs, charging that it would impose unconstitutional price controls on

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U.S. Senate “Group of Six” Elaborates on Why it Wants 340B Stakeholder Input

John Thune
"It is critical that the 340B program continues to serve its original purpose of supporting health care providers as they serve the needs of South Dakota patients and communities," Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) said about his and five fellow senators' request for public input on how to improve 340B.

The six U.S. senators who asked Friday morning for ideas on ways to improve the 340B program elaborated on their reasons why in a news release that afternoon.

Sens. John Thune (R-S.D.), Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.), Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), Tammy

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